On Daily Holy Bible Reading
Extremely enigmatic if not esoteric. This is how the prophecy of Zechariah is in its context.
The truth behind the prophetic visions of Zechariah may not be fully understood; only and until the coming of Elijah the Prophet. As it deals with the entire period from his own day until the End of Days.
Through My Spirit
Zechariah Exposes Deeds And Practices Offered To G-d
Everyone can show they fast. Being righteous, kind and merciful.
But deep within when no one is watching, the truth comes out that all are nothing but a show.
Worst, they refuse to change their ways and continue to put up a show all the time (like politicians).
“Justice, Kindness and Mercy”
… ‘When you fasted and mourned in the fifth [month] and in the seventh for these seventy years, was the fasting that you fasted for My honor? [Was it] for Me?
And when you eat and when you drink, is it not you who are the eaters and you who are the drinkers?
Behold, [consider] the prophecies that Hashem pronounced through the earliest prophets, …
Thus spoke Hashem, Master of Legions, saying: ‘Judge with truthful justice, and perform kindness and mercy towards one another.
Do not oppress the widow and the orphan, the stranger and the poor, and do not think in your hearts of wronging one another.’
But they refused to heed, and they turned a rebellious shoulder, they made their ears hard of hearing.
They made their hearts like hard iron, rather than hear the teaching and the words that Hashem, Master of Legions, had sent by His spirit through the earliest prophets, and there was a great rage from Hashem, Master of Legions.
And it happened that just as He called, but they did not listen. ‘So will they call out and I will not listen.’ said Hashem, Master of Legions;
1 And it came to pass in the fourth year of King Darius; The word of the Lord came to Zechariah on the fourth of the ninth month, in Kislev.
2 And Sharezer and Regem Melech and his men sent to Bethel to pray before the Lord,
3 to say to the Priests of the house of the Lord of Hosts and to the prophets, saying, “Shall I weep in the fifth month, abstaining as I have done these many years?”
4 And the word of the Lord of Hosts came to me, saying:
5 Say to all the people of the land and to the priests saying: When you fasted and mourned in the fifth [month] and in the seventh [month] even these seventy years, did you fast for Me, even for Me?
6 And when you eat and when you drink-are you not the ones who eat and you the ones who drink?
7 Was it not the words that the Lord proclaimed through the former prophets, when Jerusalem was settled and tranquil, and its cities were around it, and the Negev and the lowland were settled?
8 And the word of the Lord came to Zechariah, saying:
9 So said the Lord of Hosts, saying: Execute true judgment and perform loving-kindness and mercy, each one [of you] to his brother.
10 Do not oppress the widow, the orphan, the stranger, or the poor man. Neither shall any of you think evil against his brother in your heart.
11 But they refused to listen; and they turned a rebellious shoulder; and they made their ears heavy, not to hear.
12 And they made their heart [as hard] as a shamir, [in order] not to listen to the Torah and to the words that the Lord of Hosts sent, through His spirit by the earlier prophets. And there was great anger from the Lord of Hosts.
13 And it came about; as He called and they did not hearken, so shall they call and I will not hearken, said the Lord of Hosts.
14 And with a whirlwind I will scatter them among all the nations whom they did not know. And the land shall be waste after them with no one passing through or returning. They made a precious land a desolation.
Do Not
Call to repentance — to return to Hashem. That in turn Hashem will return.
Test of sincerity to your service, devotion, fear and love of Hashem you who profess publicly, but do otherwise in private.
Jerusalem. Truth. Righteousness.
The rebuilding of the Temple. The hope of glad tidings for Hashem’s dwelling with His people — the righteous Jews and Gentiles.
Hashem will be One and His Name will be One.
Not through army, neither strength, but through the spirit of Hashem, Master of Legions.
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