Jesus is NOT!
1. The Perfect or Sinless Man
2. The Promised Jewish Messiah
3. The Son of G-d
4. The Ultimate Sacrifice
5. G-d Himself
Here's WHY
Jesus is NOT!
1. He was BAPTIZED (signifies repentance & forgiveness of sins - according to the New Testament).
2. VIRGIN BIRTH (disqualifies the lineage of Jesse - tribe of Judah).
3. Just as the SERVANT is ISRAEL in Isaiah 53, so also in Exodus 4:22-23 the SON is ISRAEL.
4. Spat, Mocked, Stripped & Nailed on the CROSS is Never the proper & acceptable way to present a SACRIFICE to G-d.
5. G-d CANNOT Take Any Visible Form as it will lead to IDOLATRY which He hates. Thus, also violates His own decree.
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