MY FIRSTBORN SON G-D'S CHOSEN PEOPLE Spreading the Truth... Beyond the boundaries of church founders, church financiers, church leaders & members' comfort! So I say to you, Send out My son that he may serve Me - but you have refused to send him out; behold, I shall kill…

Continue ReadingJEWISH People VI
  • Post category:Knowing G-d's People
  • Reading time:9 mins read


MY SERVANT G-D'S CHOSEN PEOPLE Spreading the Truth... Beyond the boundaries of church founders, church financiers, church leaders & members' comfort! said to Moses, "Behold, you will lie with your forefathers, but this people will rise up and stray after the gods of the foreigners of the Land, in…

Continue ReadingJEWISH People V
  • Post category:Knowing G-d's People
  • Reading time:18 mins read

The GIVER Of The 613 MITZVOT (Commandments)

The HEBREW SCRIPTURE As G-D Commanded... Spreading the Truth... Beyond the boundaries of church founders, church financiers, church leaders & members' comfort! I am Hashem, your God, Who has taken you out of the land of Egypt, from the house of slavery.You shall not recognize the gods of others…

Continue ReadingThe GIVER Of The 613 MITZVOT (Commandments)
  • Post category:Hebrew Scripture
  • Reading time:5 mins read


The JEWS G-D'S CHOSEN PEOPLE Spreading the Truth... Beyond the boundaries of church founders, church financiers, church leaders & members' comfort! LOOKING FOR A GIFT? CHOOSE HERE LOOKING FOR A HEBREW BIBLE? Go Digital HERE I will remember My covenant with Jacob and also My covenant with Isaac, and…

Continue ReadingJEWISH People IV
  • Post category:Knowing G-d's People
  • Reading time:11 mins read

An Intro to 613 MITZVOT (Commandments)

The HEBREW SCRIPTURE As G-D Commanded... Spreading the Truth... Beyond the boundaries of church founders, church financiers, church leaders & members' comfort! But as for you, stand here with Me and I shall speak to you the entire commandments, and the decrees, and the ordinances that you shall teach them…

Continue ReadingAn Intro to 613 MITZVOT (Commandments)
  • Post category:Hebrew Scripture
  • Reading time:8 mins read


The JEWS G-D'S CHOSEN PEOPLE Spreading the Truth... Beyond the boundaries of church founders, church financiers, church leaders & members' comfort! Hashem's portion is His people; Jacob is the measure of His inheritance. He discovered him in a desert land, in desolation, a howling wilderness; He encircled him, He…

Continue ReadingJEWISH People III
  • Post category:Knowing G-d's People
  • Reading time:12 mins read