Song Of Songs
On Daily Holy Bible Reading
Shir Hashirim
Shir Hashirim is a biblical book that is also known as the Song of Songs, and it is included in the Ketuvim section of the Tanakh. It is a poetic book in the Hebrew Bible using romantic and sensual language that tells the story of a love affair between a man and a woman, often interpreted metaphorically as an allegory for the relationship between G-d and Israel.
I Have Come
Song of Songs On Israel Longings For G-d And His Commandments
“G-d To Israel”
I have adjured you, O daughters of Jerusalem, by gazelles or by hinds of the field, should you wake or rouse the love until it pleases.
The voice of my Beloved! Behold He comes leaping upon the mountains skipping upon the hills.
My beloved is mine, and I am His. Who grazes [others] among the roses.
1 “I am a rose of Sharon, a rose of the valleys.”
2 “As a rose among the thorns, so is my beloved among the daughters.”
3 “As an apple tree among the trees of the forest, so is my beloved among the sons; in his shade I delighted and sat, and his fruit was sweet to my palate.
4 He brought me to the banquet hall, and his attraction to me [was symbolic of his] love.
5 Sustain me with flagons of wine, spread my bed with apples, for I am lovesick.
6 His left hand was under my head, and his right hand would embrace me.
7 I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem, by the gazelles or by the hinds of the field, that you neither awaken nor arouse the love while it is desirous.
8 The sound of my beloved! Behold, he is coming, skipping over the mountains, jumping over the hills.
9 My beloved resembles a gazelle or a fawn of the hinds; behold, he is standing behind our wall, looking from the windows, peering from the lattices.
10 My beloved raised his voice and said to me, ‘Arise, my beloved, my fair one, and come away.
11 For behold, the winter has passed; the rain is over and gone.
12 The blossoms have appeared in the land, the time of singing has arrived, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land.
13 The fig tree has put forth its green figs, and the vines with their tiny grapes have given forth their fragrance; arise, my beloved, my fair one, and come away.
14 My dove, in the clefts of the rock, in the coverture of the steps, show me your appearance, let me hear your voice, for your voice is pleasant and your appearance is comely.’
15 Seize for us the foxes, the little foxes, who destroy the vineyards, for our vineyards are with tiny grapes.
16 My beloved is mine, and I am his, who grazes among the roses.
17 Until the sun spreads, and the shadows flee, go around; liken yourself, my beloved, to a gazelle or to a fawn of the hinds, on distant mountains.”
My Beloved
The book is traditionally read by Jews during the holiday of Passover, and it is seen as an important spiritual development tool that enables one to connect and develop a deeper relationship with G-d.
Shir Hashirim “has been interpreted on many levels, and has been used as a source of inspiration for mystical works, Biblical commentaries, and erotic poetry, among other things.” It remains a beloved and influential text for both religious and secular readers alike.
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