Nothing I Desire
Psalms Contrasting Good Against Evil
If you are taught that knowledge is of evil, learn again.
It is G-d Who teaches man knowledge (v. 10).
Do you think you know better than G-d? You are making a terrible mistake of being proud and arrogant.
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“Goodness Will Prevail And Evil Will Be punished”
O God of vengeance, Hashem; O God of vengeance, appear!
Arise, O Judge of the earth, render recompense to the haughty.
They speak freely, they utter malicious falsehood, they glorify themselves, all doers of iniquity.
Your nation, Hashem, they crush, and they afflict Your heritage.
He Who implants the ear, will He not hear? Will He Who fashions the eye not see?
It is He Who teaches man knowledge.
Hashem knows the thoughts of man, that they are futile.
Praiseworthy is the man whom God disciplines, and whom You teach from Your Torah,
to give him rest from the days of evil, while a pit is dug for the wicked.
For Hashem will not cast off His people, not will He forsake His heritage.
For justice shall revert to righteousness, and following it will be all of upright heart.
Had Hashem not been a help to me, my soul would soon have dwell in silence.
He turned upon them their own violence, and with their own evil He will cut them off; Hashem, our God, will cut them off.
1 O God of vengeance, O Lord; O God show vengeance.
2 Exalt Yourself, O Judge of the earth, render to the haughty their recompense.
3 How long will the wicked, O Lord, how long will the wicked rejoice?
4 They spout forth, they speak falsely; all workers of violence boast.
5 Your people, O Lord, they crush, and Your inheritance they afflict.
6 They slay the widow and the stranger, and they murder the orphans.
7 They say, “Yah will not see, nor will the God of Jacob understand.”
8 Understand, [you] most boorish of the people, and [you] fools, when will you gain intelligence?
9 Will He Who implants the ear not hear or will He Who forms the eye not see?
10 Will He Who chastises nations not reprove? [He is] the One Who teaches man knowledge.
11 The Lord knows man’s thoughts that they are vanity.
12 Fortunate is the man whom You, Yah, chastise, and from Your Torah You teach him.
13 To grant him peace from days of evil, while a pit is dug for the wicked.
14 For the Lord will not forsake His people, nor will He desert His inheritance.
15 For until righteousness will judgment return, and after it all those upright in heart.
16 Who will rise up for me against evildoers; who will stand up for me against workers of violence?
17 Had not the Lord been my help, in an instant my soul would rest silent.
18 If I said, “My foot has slipped,” Your kindness, O Lord, supported me.
19 With my many thoughts within me, Your consolations cheered me.
20 Will the throne of evil join You, which forms iniquity for a statute?
21 They gather upon the soul of the righteous and condemn innocent blood.
22 But the Lord was my fortress, and my God the rock of my refuge.
23 And He returned upon them their violence, and for their evil, may He cut them off; may the Lord our God cut them off.
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