Nothing I Desire
Psalms On Hardships And Difficult Times
When everything appears to go against your favor, be confident and trust in G-d alone for deliverance.
Prayer is one best action towards G-d.
“Plea For Deliverance”
Let my prayer come before You, incline Your ear to my supplication.
You have estranged my acquaintances from me; You made me abominable to them; …
As for me, to You, Hashem, have I cried, and in the morning my prayer will greet You.
You have estranged friend and companion from me; my acquaintances have hidden in darkness.
1 A song with musical accompaniment of the sons of Korah, for the conductor, about the sick and afflicted one, a maskil of Heman the Ezrahite.
2 O Lord, the God of my salvation! I cried by day; at night I was opposite You.
3 May my prayer come before You; extend Your ear to my supplication.
4 For my soul is sated with troubles, and my life has reached the grave.
5 I was counted with those who descend into the Pit; I was like a man without strength.
6 I am considered among the dead who are free, as the slain who lie in the grave, whom You no longer remember and who were cut off by Your hand.
7 You have put me into the lowest pit, into dark places, into depths.
8 Your wrath lies hard upon me, and [with] all Your waves You have afflicted [me] constantly.
9 You have estranged my friends from me; You have made me an abomination to them; [I am] imprisoned and cannot go out.
10 My eye has failed because of affliction; I have called You every day, I have spread out my palms to You.
11 Will You perform a wonder for the dead? Will the shades rise and thank You forever?
12 Will Your kindness be told in the grave, Your faith in destruction?
13 Will Your wonder be known in the darkness, or Your righteousness in the land of oblivion?
14 As for me, O Lord, I have cried out to You, and in the morning my prayer comes before You.
15 Why, O Lord, do You abandon my soul, do You hide Your countenance from me?
16 I am poor, and close to sudden death; I have borne Your fear, it is well-founded.
17 Your fires of wrath have passed over me; Your terrors have cut me off.
18 They surround me like water all the day; they encompass me together.
19 You have estranged from me lover and friend; my acquaintances are in a place of darkness.
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