Nothing I Desire
Psalms Disproves Evolution Theory
Have we evolved from chimpanzee, there could have been countries or even territories having a Chimp president or Chimp governor; let alone Lion, Croc, Elephant, Shark, Whale, Dolphin & other huge size animals.
College or university never got it right teaching Science as their source, and not the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament).
No wonder they believe they came from monkeys. And G-d-fearing people know G-d created them as humans; not evolved.
“Man’s Accomplishments Are G-d’s Gifts”
Hashem, our Master, how mighty is Your Name throughout the earth, [You] Who places Your majesty on the heavens.
“What is frail man that You should remember him, and the son of mortal man that You should be mindful of him?”
Yet, You have made him but slightly less than the angels, and crowned him with soul and splendor.
You give him dominion over Your handiwork, You placed everything under his feet;
Hashem, our Master, how mighty is Your Name throughout the earth!
1 To the conductor, on the gittith, a song of David.
2 O Lord, our Master, how mighty is Your name in all the earth, for which You should bestow Your majesty upon the heavens.
3 Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings You have established strength because of Your adversaries, in order to put an end to enemy and avenger.
4 When I see Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and stars that You have established,
5 what is man that You should remember him, and the son of man that You should be mindful of him?
6 Yet You have made him slightly less than the angels, and You have crowned him with glory and majesty.
7 You give him dominion over the work of Your hands; You have placed everything beneath his feet.
8 Flocks and cattle, all of them, and also the beasts of the field;
9 the birds of the sky and the fish of the sea, he traverses the ways of the seas.
10 O Lord, our Master, how mighty is Your name in all the earth!
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