Nothing I Desire
Psalms On What Most People Settle
Living a godless life yet prospering far better than those who are sincere in seeking and serving G-d in all detail of their lives.
Find out if you are judged according to your material wealth and accomplishment or spiritual riches.
“When G-dless People Appear To Be More Favored”
… Truly God is good to Israel, to the pure of heart.
For I envied the roisterers, when I saw the peace of the wicked.
Therefore arrogance is their necklace; their violence wraps their hips [with fat].
… they have exceeded the fantasies of [their] heart.
They set their mouth against Heaven, and their tongue struts on earth.
And they say, “How can God know? Is there knowledge in the Most High?”
Behold these are the wicked, but they are always tranquil, they have attained great wealth.
And when I reflected to understand this, it was iniquity in my eyes.
until I came to the sanctuaries of God; I contemplated their end.
… You will render their appearance despicable.
Whom [else] do I have in heaven? And when I am with You I do not desire [anything] on earth.
My flesh and my heart yearn — God is the rock of my heart and my portion forever.
For behold, those removed from You shall perish. You cut down all who stray from You.
But as for me, God’s nearness is my good; I have placed my trust in the Lord Hashem/Elohim, to recount all of Your works.
1 A song of Asaph. Truly God is good to Israel, to the pure of heart.
2 But as for me, my feet had almost turned away, in an instant my steps would have been swept away.
3 For I envied the perverse; I would see the tranquility of the wicked.
4 For there are no fetters to their death, and their health is sound.
5 In the toil of mortal man they are not, neither are they plagued with mankind.
6 Therefore, they wear pride as a necklace; the robbery that they commit envelops their hips.
7 Because of their fat, their eyes bulge; they surpassed the imaginings of their heart.
8 They consume, and speak wickedly about oppression; they speak about the Most High.
9 They have set their mouth against Heaven, and their tongue walks through the earth.
10 Therefore, His people will return here, and the waters of the full [stream] are drain water to them.
11 And they say, “How does God know, and is there knowledge in the Most High?”
12 Behold these are wicked, yet they are tranquil in the world and have increased wealth.
13 But for nought I cleansed my heart and bathed my hands with cleanliness.
14 And I was plagued all the days, and my chastisement was every morning.
15 If I said, “I shall tell it as it is,” behold I have made the generation of Your children into traitors.
16 And when I ponder to know this, it is iniquity in my eyes.
17 Until I came to the sanctuaries of God, and I understood their end.
18 Only in slippery places do You set them; You cast them down to ruin.
19 How they became desolate instantly! They were completely consumed by terrors.
20 As a dream without awakening; O Lord, in the city You will despise their form.
21 For my heart was in ferment, and my mind was on edge.
22 But I was brutish and I did not know; I was [as] a beast with You.
23 Yet I was constantly with You; You grasped my right hand.
24 With Your counsel You led me, and after[wards], You took me [for] glory.
25 For whom do I have in heaven, and I desired no one with You on earth.
26 My flesh and my heart yearn; God is the rock of my heart and my portion forever.
27 For behold, those who have distanced themselves from You will perish; You have cut off anyone who strays from You.
28 But as for me-God’s nearness is my good; I have placed my refuge in the Lord God, to tell all Your mission.
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