Nothing I Desire
Psalms On G-d As Refuge During Your Old Age
Giving praises to G-d all day long, and committing to G-d those who do you harm.
It is always the best thing to do your own reading, studying and listening to reliable sources in your quality time as part of your everyday learning.
Such practices find favor in G-d’s eyes, and count as praising Him alone.
“G-d’s Comfort Never Fails”
“Prayer For Enemies Demise”
In You, Hashem, I have taken refuge, let me not be shamed, ever.
In Your righteousness rescue me and deliver me; incline Your ear to me and save me.
I relied on You from birth, You withdrew me from the innards of my mother; of You is my praise always.
Do not cast me off in time of old age; when my strength fails, forsake me not.
Let the adversaries of my soul be shamed and consumed; let those who seek my harm be enwrapped in disgrace and humiliation.
My mouth shall recount Your righteousness, all day long Your salvation, though I know not [their] numbers.
I shall come with the mighty deeds of the Lord, Hashem/Elohim, I will mention Your righteousness, Yours alone.
O God, You have taught me from my youth, and until this moment I declare Your wonders.
And even until old age and hoariness, O God, forsake me not; until I proclaim Your strength to the generation, Your might to all who will yet come.
And Your righteousness, O God, is unto the high heavens; You, Who have done great things, O God, who is like You?
You, Who have shown me many and grievous troubles; revive me again, and from the depths of the earth raise me again.
I shall also thank You on the stringed instrument for Your faithfulness, my God; I shall sing to You on the harp, O Holy One of Israel.
1 In You, O Lord, have I taken refuge; let me never be ashamed.
2 With Your charity, You shall save me and rescue me; extend Your ear to me and save me.
3 Be for me a sheltering rock in which to enter continually; You commanded [others] to save me because You are my rock and my fortress.
4 My God, rescue me from the hands of the wicked, from the palm of him who treats unjustly and robs.
5 For You are my hope, O Lord God, my trust since my youth.
6 I relied on You from birth; from my mother’s womb You drew me; my praise is always in You.
7 I was an example for the multitude, but You were my strong shelter.
8 My mouth will be filled with Your praise, all the days with Your glory.
9 Do not cast me away at the time of old age; when my strength fails, do not forsake me.
10 For my enemies said of me, and those who watch for my soul took counsel together,
11 Saying, “God has forsaken him; pursue and seize him, for there is no rescuer.”
12 O God, do not distance Yourself from me; my God, hasten to my assistance.
13 The adversaries of my soul will be shamed and will perish; enwrapped in humiliation and disgrace will be those who seek to harm me.
14 As for me, I shall constantly hope, and I shall add to all Your praise.
15 My mouth will recite Your righteousness, all the days Your salvation, for I do not know their number.
16 I shall come with the mighty deeds of the Lord God; I shall mention Your righteousness alone.
17 O God, You have taught me since my youth, and until now I shall recite your wonders.
18 And even until old age and hoary hairs, O God, do not forsake me, until I tell [of] Your strength to the generation, to everyone who comes-Your might
19 And Your charity, O God, [which is] up to the heights, for You do great things. O God, who is like You?
20 That You showed me great and evil troubles, You will revive me again, and from the depths of the earth You will again raise me up.
21 You will increase my greatness, and You will turn and comfort me.
22 I too shall thank You with a stringed instrument for Your truth, my God; I shall play music to You with a harp, O Holy One of Israel.
23 My lips will sing praises when I play music to You, and my soul, which You redeemed.
24 Also my tongue will utter Your righteousness all the days, for those who seek my harm are shamed, yea, for they are disgraced.
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