Nothing I Desire
Psalms Take On The Enemy And Those Who Are Wicked
Here’s another emphasis why you must not associate yourself with the wicked. But rather, one should ask that he may be delivered from evil.
Hence, you cannot be on the safe side or neutral ground. If you cannot hate evil, keep away from it. G-d never commanded to love wickedness; neither evil.
“Israel’s Plea From Deliverance As Expressed By King David”
More abundant than the hairs of my head are those who hate me without cause. Mighty are those who would cut me off, those who are unjustly my foes; what I never stole I must then restore.
O God, You know my folly, and my guilty acts are not hidden from You.
Let those who wait for You not be shamed through me, O Lord/Hashem, Master of Legions; let those who seek You not be humiliated through me, O God of Israel.
Because for Your sake I have borne disgrace; humiliation covered my face.
I became a stranger to my brothers, and an alien to my mother’s sons.
As for me, may my prayer to You, Hashem, be at an opportune time; O God, in Your abundant kindness, answer me with the truth of Your salvation.
Answer me, Hashem, for Your kindness is good; according to the abundance of Your mercy turn toward me.
Hide not Your face from Your servant; because I am distressed, answer me quickly.
You know of my disgrace, my shame, and my humiliation; all my tormentors are before You.
… I longed for sympathy but there was none, and for consolers, but I found none.
But they put gall in my meal, and for my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink.
Pour Your fury upon them, and let the fierceness of Your anger overtake them.
May they be erased from the Book of Life, and let them not be inscribed with the righteous.
But I am afflicted and in pain; Your salvation, O God, shall raise me high.
I shall praise the Name of God with song, and I shall praise the Name of God with song, and I shall magnify it with thanksgiving; and it shall please Hashem more than a full-grown bull, possessed of horns and hoofs.
The humble have seen [it] and will be glad — you who seek God — and your hearts will revive.
For Hashem hearkens to the destitute, and has not despised His prisoners.
For God shall save Zion and build the cities of Judah, and they shall settle there and possess it.
The offspring of His servants shall inherit it, and those ho love His Name shall dwell in it.
1 For the conductor, on shoshannim, of David.
2 Save me, O God, for water has come up to my soul.
3 I have sunk in muddy depths and there is no place to stand; I have come into the deep water, and the current has swept me away.
4 I have become weary from calling out; my throat has become parched; my eyes fail while I wait for my God.
5 Those who hate me for nothing are more numerous than the hairs of my head; mighty are those who would cut me off, who are my enemies because of lies; what I did not steal, I will then return.
6 O God, You know my folly, and my acts of guilt are not concealed from You.
7 Do not let those who hope for You be shamed through me, O Lord God of Hosts; let those who seek You not be disgraced through me, O God of Israel.
8 For I have borne humiliation because of You; disgrace has covered my face.
9 I was strange to my brothers, and alien to the sons of my mother.
10 For the envy of Your house has consumed me, and the humiliations of those who blaspheme You have fallen upon me.
11 And I bewailed my soul in fast, and it was a disgrace for me.
12 And I made sackcloth my raiment, and I became a byword to them.
13 They talk about me, those who sit in the gate, and [they make] melodies [about me] for those who imbibe strong drink.
14 But, as for me, may my prayer to You, O Lord, be in an acceptable time. O God, with Your abundant kindness, answer me with the truth of Your salvation.
15 Save me from mud that I not sink, that I be saved from my enemies and from the depths of water.
16 Let neither the current of water sweep me away, nor the deep swallow me, and let a well not close its mouth over me.
17 Answer me, O Lord, for Your kindness is good; according to Your abundant mercies, turn to me.
18 And do not hide Your face from Your servant, because I am distressed, hasten to answer me.
19 Come close to my soul, redeem it; because of my enemies, redeem me.
20 You know my humiliation, my shame, and my disgrace; all my oppressors are before You.
21 Humiliation has broken my heart and I have become ill; I hoped for sympathy but there was none, and for comforters but I found none.
22 They put gall into my food and for my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink.
23 May their table before them become a trap, and [their hope] for peace become a snare.
24 May their eyes become dark, so they cannot see; constantly cause their loins to slip.
25 Pour out Your fury upon them, and may Your burning wrath overtake them.
26 May their palace be desolate; in their tents let there be no dweller.
27 For You-those whom You smote they pursued, and about the pain of those whom You wounded they tell.
28 Add iniquity to their iniquity, and let them not come into Your charity.
29 May they be erased from the book of life, and may they not be inscribed with the righteous.
30 But I am poor and in pain; may Your salvation, O God, exalt me.
31 I shall praise the name of God with song, and I shall magnify Him with a thanksgiving offering.
32 And it will appeal to the Lord more than a young bull that is mature, with horns and hooves.
33 When the humble see, they rejoice, yea, those who seek God, and your heart will be invigorated.
34 For God hearkens to the needy, and He does not despise His prisoners.
35 Heaven and earth will praise Him, the seas and everything that moves therein,
36 When God saves Zion and builds the cities of Judah, and they dwell there and take possession of it.
37 And the seed of His servants inherit it, and those who love His name dwell therein.
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