Nothing I Desire
Psalms To Those Who Disregard G-d’s Commandments
Such is the teaching in the Greek book – New Testament, sad fact that is hidden in churches and gatherings.
The concept of “Jesus paid the price” is nowhere in the Hebrew Scripture (Old Testament) that so called fulfilled in the Greek book – New Testament.
Make the right move. Make the change in your life to prepare you for the world to come after you die.
Empty and false hope do not rely.
“Purity Of Spirit”
Our God will come and not be silent; …
Gather my devout ones unto me, sealers of My covenant through sacrifice.
Then the heavens proclaimed His righteousness, for God is the Judge, Selah!
… God, your God, am I.
I shall not rebuke you for your sacrifices, nor are your burnt-offerings my constant concern.
For Mine is every beast in the forest, the cattle of a thousand mountains.
I know every bird of the mountains, and what creeps upon My fields is with Me.
… for Mine is the world and its fullness.
Offer God confession, then redeem your vows to the Most High.
And call upon Me in the day of distress, I will release you and you will honor Me.
But to the wicked, God said, “To what purpose do you recount My decrees and bear My covenant upon your lips?”
For you hate discipline and you threw My words behind you.
If you saw a thief you agreed to be with him, and with adulterers was your lot.
Understand this now, you who have forgotten God, lest I tear you asunder and there be none to rescue.
He who offers confession honors Me; and one who orders [his] way, I will show him the salvation of God.
1 A song of Asaph; God, God the Lord, spoke and called to the earth, from the rising of the sun until its setting.
2 From Zion, the finery of beauty, God appeared.
3 Our God shall come and not be silent; fire shall devour before Him, and around Him it storms furiously.
4 He shall call to the heavens above and to the earth to avenge His people.
5 Gather to Me My devoted ones, who made a covenant with Me over a sacrifice.
6 And the heavens will tell His righteousness, for He is a God Who judges forever.
7 Hearken, My people, and I will speak, Israel, and I will admonish you; God, even your God am I.
8 I will not reprove you concerning your sacrifices, neither are your burnt offerings before Me constantly.
9 I will not take from your household a bull, from your pens any goats.
10 For all the beasts of the forest are Mine, the behemoth of the thousand mountains.
11 I know all the fowl of the mountains, and the creeping things of the field are with Me.
12 If I were hungry I would not tell you, for the world and its fullness are Mine.
13 Will I eat the flesh of bulls or do I drink the blood of he-goats?
14 Slaughter for God a confession and pay the Most High your vows.
15 And call to Me on a day of distress; I will rescue you and you will honor Me.
16 But to the wicked man God said, “For what reason do you recount My statutes, and bring up My covenant on Your mouth?
17 For you hated discipline and threw My words behind you.
18 If you saw a thief, you agreed [to be] with him, and with adulterers is your portion.
19 You let loose your mouth for evil, and you accustomed your tongue to deceit.
20 You sit and talk against your brother; you slander your mother’s son.
21 You did these and I remained silent; you thought that I would be like you. I will contend with you and set up before your eyes.
22 Understand this now, you who forget God, lest I tear [you] to pieces, and there will be no one to save [you].
23 One who slaughters a confession sacrifice honors Me, and [I will] prepare the way; I will show him the salvation of God.”
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