Nothing I Desire
Psalms Reminds That None Is Immortal But All Are Limited In His Lifespan
As many amass riches or wealth for their own benefit, forgetting that it is not all there is in life.
Purpose of life is to follow, obey and to glorify G-d alone in your words, actions, reactions and intentions.
“Suffering In Life Must Lead One To Be Directed To Prayers”
I said, “I will guard my ways from sinning with my tongue, I will guard my mouth with a muzzle, even while the wicked one stands before me.”
“Let me know my end, O Hashem, and the measure of my days, what it is; that I may know when I will cease.”
Behold, like handbreadths have You made my days, and my lifetime is as naught before You; all is but total futility — all human existence, Selah.
… he amasses [riches], but he knows not who will harvest them.
And now, for what do I hope, O Lord? My longing is to You.
From all my transgressions rescue me; do not make me a disgrace before the degenerate!
I am mute, I open not my mouth, because it is You Who has done it.
… all mankind is but futility, Selah.
Hear my prayer, Hashem, give ear to my outcry, be not mute to my tears; for I am a sojourner with You, a settler like all my forefathers.
Turn [Your punishment] from me that I may recover my strength, before I depart and I am no more.
1 For the conductor, to Jeduthun, a song of David.
2 I said, “I will guard my ways from sinning with my tongue; I will guard my mouth [as with] a muzzle while the wicked man is still before me.
3 I made myself dumb in silence; I was silent from good although my pain was intense.
4 My heart is hot within me; in my thoughts fire burns; I spoke with my tongue,
5 O Lord, let me know my end, and the measure of my days, what it is; I would know when I will cease.
6 Behold You made my days as handbreadths, and my old age is as nought before You; surely all vanity is in every man; this is his condition forever.
7 Man walks but in darkness; all that they stir is but vanity; he gathers yet he knows not who will bring them in.
8 And now, what have I hoped, O Lord? My hope to You is;
9 Save me from all my transgressions; do not make me the reproach of an ignoble man.
10 I have become mute; I will not open my mouth because You have done it.
11 Remove Your affliction from me; from the fear of Your hand I perish.
12 With rebukes for iniquity You have chastised man; You have caused his flesh to decay as by a moth. Surely all man is vanity forever.
13 Hear my prayer, O Lord, and hearken to my cry. Be not silent to my tears, for I am a stranger with You, a dweller as all my forefathers.
14 Turn away from me that I may recover, before I go and am here no longer.”
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