Nothing I Desire
Psalms On Test Of Faith
Safety must not be the only reason why you are to pray at times of crisis. But that you or the people you know would be led to sincere repentance to live a changed life thereafter once calm subsides the turmoil.
Learn more in this chapter alone. But there is more…
“True Repentance Is The Turnaround End Result Why G-d Allows Suffering And Misfortune”
… Praiseworthy is one whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered over.
Praiseworthy is the man to whom Hashem does not ascribe iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no deceit.
My sin I make known to You, my iniquity I do not hide. I said, “I will confess my transgressions to Hashem,” and You have [always] forgiven my iniquitous sin, Selah.
For this let every devout one pray to You at a time when [misfortune] befalls: Only that the flooding, mighty waters not overtake him.
You are a shelter for me, from distress You preserve me; with glad song of rescue You envelope me, Selah!
Many are the agonies of the wicked, but as for one who trusts in Hashem, kindness surrounds him.
Be glad in Hashem and rejoice, O righteous. Cry out in joy, all upright of heart.
1 Of David, a maskil Praiseworthy is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is concealed.
2 Praiseworthy is the man to whom the Lord ascribes no iniquity and in whose spirit there is no guile.
3 When I was silent, my bones decayed with my moaning all day long.
4 For [both] day and night Your hand is heavy upon me; my freshness was transformed as in the droughts of summer, forever.
5 I would inform You of my sin, and I did not conceal my iniquity; I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the Lord,” and You forgave the iniquity of my sin forever.
6 For this let every pious man pray to You at the time that You are found, only about a flood of vast waters [that] should not reach him.
7 You are a shelter for me, from an adversary You guard me; with songs of deliverance You encompass me forever,
8 “I will enlighten you and instruct you which way [to go]; I will wink My eye to you.”
9 Be not like a horse, like a mule that does not discern; whose mouth must be held with bit and bridle, so that when he is being groomed, he does not come near you.
10 Many are the pains of the wicked, but as for him who trusts in the Lord- kindness will encompass him.
11 Rejoice with the Lord and exult, You righteous, and cause all those of upright hearts to sing praises.
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