Nothing I Desire
Psalms On Being Faithful To Hashem In Truth
More often, Hashem is not the first best option; but last.
This chapter sets the right example to those who truly love G-d with all his heart. Not those who only claim but do the opposite.
“G-d’s Mercy Is Trust Worthy”
For my Rock and my Fortress are You, for Your Name’s sake guide me and lead me.
In Your hand I entrust my spirit; You redeemed me, O Hashem, God of truth.
I despise those who await worthless vanities; as for me, I trust Hashem!
I will exult and rejoice in Your kindness; that You have seen my affliction, You have known of the troubles of my soul;
Favor me, Hashem, for I am distressed, …
… because of my iniquity my strength has failed …
But as for me, in You have I trusted, Hashem. I have said, You are my God.”
In Your hand are my times, …
Shine Your face upon Your servant, save me in Your kindness.
O Hashem, let me not be ashamed, for I have called upon You! Let the wicked ones be shamed, let them be stilled to the grave.
May the lying lips be silenced, which speak falsehood about a righteous one with arrogance and contempt.
How abundant is Your goodness that You have stored away for those who fear You, that You have performed for those who seek refuge in You in the presence of men.
Blessed is Hashem, for He has been wondrously kind to me…
I had said in my panic, “I am cut off from before Your eyes!” But in truth, You heard the sound of my supplications when I cried to You.
Love Hashem, all His devout ones! Hashem safeguards the faithful, but He repays for his haughtiness one who acts with arrogance.
Be strong, and let your hearts take courage, all who wait longingly for Hashem.
1 To the conductor, a song of David.
2 I took refuge in You, O Lord; let me not be shamed forever; rescue me with Your righteousness.
3 Incline Your ear to me, quickly rescue me; be a rock of strength to me, a stronghold to save me.
4 For You are my Rock and my Stronghold, and for Your name’s sake, You shall lead me and guide me.
5 You shall free me from this net which they have hidden for me, for You are my stronghold.
6 In Your hand I entrust my spirit; You have redeemed me, O Lord, God of truth.
7 I hated those who await worthless vanities, but I hoped for the Lord.
8 I will exult and rejoice in Your kindness, for You have seen my affliction; You have known the troubles of my soul.
9 And you did not deliver me into the hands of an enemy; You have placed my feet in a broad place.
10 Be gracious to me, O Lord, for I am in distress; my eye is dimmed from anger, my soul and my belly.
11 For my life is spent in grief and my years in sighing; my strength has failed because of my iniquity, and my bones have decayed.
12 From all my tormentors I have become a reproach-and very much so to my neighbors-and fright to my acquaintances; those who see me outside avoid me.
13 I was forgotten like a dead person, out of mind; I was like a lost utensil.
14 For I heard the gossip of many, terror from all sides when they take counsel together against me; they plotted to take my soul.
15 But I trusted in You, O Lord; I said, “You are my God.”
16 My times are in Your hands; rescue me from the hands of my enemies and from my pursuers.
17 Cause Your countenance to shine upon Your servant; save me with Your kindness.
18 O Lord, let me not be shamed because I called out to You; let the wicked be shamed, let them be silenced to the grave.
19 Let lying lips become mute, those that speak against a righteous man falsely, with haughtiness and disdain.
20 How great is Your goodness that You have laid away for those who fear You, that You have worked for those who take refuge in You, in the presence of the sons of men!
21 You shall hide them in the secrecy of Your countenance, from bands of men; protect them in a shelter from the strife of tongues.
22 Blessed is the Lord for He has been wondrously kind to me in a besieged city.
23 But I said in my haste, “I have been cut off from before Your eyes,” but You heard the voice of my supplications when I cried out to You.
24 Love the Lord, all His pious ones. The Lord guards those who believe [in Him] and He pays with a bowstring him who works with haughtiness.
25 Strengthen yourselves, and He will give your heart courage, all who hope to the Lord.
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