Nothing I Desire
Psalms On Praying Against The Enemies
If you are told to love your enemies, think again.
The wicked (if not evil) enemies have no place or space to mingle with the righteous or godly. Thus, this chapter again explicitly condemns such character traits!
The same is true in going against abortion, LGBTQIA and other forms of evil. But, why? You might ask.
Simply because, it is not of G-d.
“A Plea To G-d For Deliverance Against The Wicked”
For the mouth of the wicked and the mouth of the deceitful have opened against me, they have spoken to me the language of falsehood,
They placed upon me evil in return for good, and hatred in return for my love.
When he is judged may he go out condemned, and may his prayer be turned into sin;
[All this] because he never remembered to do kindness, and he pursued the poor and destitute man, and the brokenhearted to kill [him].
This is the reward of my adversaries from Hashem, and those who speak evil against my soul.
But You, Hashem/Elohim, O Lord, deal with me for Your Name’s sake; because Your kindness is good, rescue me!
For poor and destitute am I, and my heart has died within me.
Help me, Hashem, my God, save me according to Your kindness!
Let them know that this is Your hand, that You, Hashem, have made it happen.
Let them curse, but You will bless; they rose up, but they will be shamed — and Your servant will rejoice!
I will thank Hashem exceedingly with my mouth, and amid the multitude I will praise Him.
1 For the conductor. Of David, a song. O God of my praise, be not silent.
2 For the mouth of a wicked man and the mouth of a deceitful man have opened upon me; they spoke with me with a lying tongue.
3 And with words of hatred they have surrounded me, and they have fought with me without cause.
4 Instead of my love, they persecute me, but I am at prayer.
5 They have imposed upon me evil instead of good and hatred instead of my love.
6 Set a wicked man over him, and let an adversary stand at his right hand.
7 When he is judged, let him emerge guilty, and let his prayer be accounted as a sin.
8 May his days be few, and may someone else take his office of dignity.
9 May his sons be orphans and his wife a widow.
10 May his sons wander, and [people] should ask and search from their ruins.
11 May a creditor search out all he has, and may strangers despoil his labor.
12 May he have none who extends kindness, and may no one be gracious to his orphans.
13 May his end be to be cut off; in another generation may their name be blotted out.
14 May the iniquity against his forefathers be remembered by the Lord, and may the sin against his mother not be erased.
15 May they be before the Lord constantly, and may He cut off their remembrance from the earth.
16 Because he did not remember to do kindness, and he pursued a poor and needy man, and a broken-hearted one, to kill [him].
17 And he loved a curse, and it came upon him; and he did not desire a blessing, and it distanced itself from him.
18 And he donned a curse like his garment, and it came into his midst like water and into his bones like oil.
19 May it be to him as a garment with which he envelops himself and as a girdle with which he constantly girds himself.
20 This is the recompense of my adversaries from the Lord, and those who speak evil upon my soul.
21 But You, O God, my Lord, do with me for Your name’s sake, for Your kindness is good; save me.
22 For I am poor and needy, and my heart has died within me.
23 Like a shadow when it lengthens, I was driven about; I was stirred up like a locust.
24 My knees stumbled from fasting, and my flesh became emaciated from fat.
25 And I was a disgrace to them; they would see me, they would shake their head.
26 Help me, O Lord, my God; save me according to Your kindness.
27 And they should know that this is Your hand; You, O Lord, have done it.
28 Let them curse and You will bless; they rose up and were ashamed, but Your servant will rejoice.
29 May my adversaries don disgrace and enwrap themselves with their shame like a cloak.
30 I shall thank the Lord exceedingly with my mouth, and among many people I shall praise Him.
31 For He will stand to the right of the needy to save [him] from those who judge his soul.
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