Nothing I Desire
Psalms To Those Who Are Upright Against Those Who Rebelled Against G-d
Nowhere in the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) it is written that His commandments are temporary or will no longer apply in the future.
Clearly the Greek book (New Testament) made up everything. In particular, that all of G-d’s teachings, decrees, ordinances, statutes, laws and prohibitions no longer apply.
“G-d’s Deliverance”
“G-d’s Enduring Kindness”
Give thanks to Hashem, for He is good, for His kindness endures forever!
Let them give thanks to Hashem for His kindness, and His wonders to the children of man.
because they rebelled against the words of God, and scorned the counsel of the Supreme One.
Let them give thanks to Hashem for His kindness, and His wonders to the children of man.
Let them give thanks to Hashem for His kindness, and His wonders to the children of man.
He turns rivers into a desert, and springs of water into drought;
a [fruitful land into a salty waste, because of the evil of its inhabitants.
He pours contempt upon the affluent, and He made them wander in a pathless wasteland.
Whoever is wise let him note these things, and they will comprehend the kindness of Hashem.
1 Give thanks to the Lord because He is good, for His kindness is eternal.
2 Those redeemed by the Lord shall say it, those whom He redeemed from the hands of an oppressor.
3 And gathered them from lands, from the east and from the west, from the north and from the sea.
4 They strayed in the desert, on a road of desolation; they did not find an inhabited city.
5 Hungry as well as thirsty, their soul enwraps itself in them.
6 And they cried out to the Lord in their distress; from their straits He rescued them.
7 And He led them on a straight road, to go to an inhabited city.
8 They shall give thanks to the Lord for His kindness, and for His wonders to the children of men.
9 For He sated a yearning soul, and a hungry soul He filled with goodness.
10 Those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death, prisoners of affliction and iron.
11 For they rebelled against the words of God, and they scorned the counsel of the Most High.
12 And He humbled their heart with toil; they stumbled with no one to help them.
13 And they cried out to the Lord in their distress; from their straits He saved them.
14 He took them out of darkness and the shadow of death, and He broke open their bonds.
15 They shall give thanks to the Lord for His kindness, and for His wonders to the children of men.
16 For He broke copper doors, and cut off iron bars.
17 Fools, because of the way of their transgression and because of their iniquities, are afflicted.
18 Their soul despises all food, and they reach the portals of death.
19 And they cried out to the Lord in their distress; from their straits He saved them.
20 He sent His word and healed them, and extricated them from their pit.
21 They shall give thanks to the Lord for His kindness, and for His wonders to the children of men.
22 And they shall slaughter sacrifices of thanksgiving, and they shall tell of His deeds with song.
23 Those who go down to the sea in ships, who do work in mighty waters.
24 They saw the deeds of the Lord and His wonders in the deep.
25 He spoke, and He set up a tempest, and it raised its waves.
26 They went up to the heavens, they came down to the depths; their soul melted with trouble.
27 They were frightened and staggered like a drunkard, and all their wisdom was destroyed.
28 They cried out to the Lord from their distress, that He take them out of their straits.
29 The tempest He had set up [settled] into a calm, and their waves were stilled.
30 They rejoiced that they were stilled, and He led them to the region of their desire.
31 They shall thank the Lord for His kindness, and for His wonders to the children of men.
32 And they shall exalt Him in an assembly of people, and in a sitting of elders, praise Him.
33 He makes rivers into a desert, and springs of water into an arid place;
34 A fruitful land into a salty waste, because of the evil of its inhabitants.
35 He makes a desert into a pool of water, and a wasteland into springs of water.
36 And He settles the hungry there, and they establish an inhabited city.
37 And they sow fields and plant vineyards, which produce fruits and grain.
38 And He blessed them, and they multiplied exceedingly, and their animals did not decrease.
39 Whereas they were few and they sank down from dominion, trouble, and sorrow.
40 He pours contempt upon princes and leads them astray in a wasteland where there is no path.
41 And He strengthened the needy from poverty and made him families like flocks.
42 The upright see and rejoice, and all injustice shuts its mouth.
43 He who is wise will keep these in mind, and they will ponder the kind deeds of the Lord.
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