Nothing I Desire
Psalms On Cry To G-d
G-d’s sovereignty remains the same and will never change
What He has spoken through His servants the prophets will prevail from generation to generation.
No one has the authority to change, set aside or make His teachings, decrees, statutes, ordinances and laws null and void.
“A Prayer When Misfortune Besets Anyone”
“Hashem, hear my prayer, and let my cry reach You!
Hide not Your face from me on the day of my distress; incline Your ear to me, on the day that I call, answer me speedily.
But You, Hashem, will be enthroned forever, and Your memory endures from generation to generation.
Let this be recorded for the final generation, so that the newborn people will praise God.
For He grazed from His exalted Sanctuary; Hashem looked down from heaven to earth,
Of old, You laid the earth’s foundation, and the heavens are Your handiwork.
But You remain the same, and Your years will never end.
Your servants’ children shall be settled and their children will be established before You.”
1 A prayer for a poor man when he enwraps himself and pours out his speech before the Lord.
2 O Lord, hearken to my prayer, and may my cry come to You.
3 Do not hide Your countenance from me; on the day of my distress extend Your ear to me; on the day I call, answer me quickly.
4 For my days have ended in smoke, and as a hearth my bones are dried up.
5 Beaten like grass and withered is my heart, for I have forgotten to eat my bread.
6 From the sound of my sigh my bones clung to my flesh.
7 I was like a bird of the wilderness; I was like an owl of the wasteland.
8 I pondered, and I am like a lonely bird on a roof.
9 All day long my enemies revile me; those who scorn me swear by me.
10 For ashes I ate like bread, and my drinks I mixed with weeping.
11 Because of Your fury and Your anger, for You picked me up and cast me down.
12 My days are like a lengthening shadow, and I dry out like grass.
13 But You, O Lord, will be enthroned forever, and Your mention is to all generations.
14 You will rise, You will have mercy on Zion for there is a time to favor it, for the appointed season has arrived.
15 For Your servants desired its stones and favored its dust.
16 And the nations will fear the name of the Lord, and all the kings of the earth Your glory.
17 For the Lord has built up Zion; He has appeared in His glory.
18 He has turned to the prayer of those who cried out, and He did not despise their prayer.
19 Let this be inscribed for the latest generation, and a [newly] created people will praise Yah.
20 For He has looked down from His holy height; the Lord looked from heaven to earth,
21 To hear the cry of the prisoner, to loose the sons of the dying nation;
22 To proclaim in Zion the name of the Lord and His praise in Jerusalem.
23 When peoples gather together, and kingdoms, to serve the Lord.
24 He has afflicted my strength on the way; He has shortened my days.
25 I say, “My God, do not take me away in the middle of my days, You Whose years endure throughout all generations.
26 In the beginning You founded the earth, and the heavens are the work of Your hands.
27 They will perish but You will endure, and all of them will rot away like a garment; like raiment You will turn them over and they will pass away.
28 But You are He, and Your years will not end.
29 The children of Your servants will dwell, and their seed will be established before You.”
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