Tehillim in Hebrew
King David’s Book Of Psalms
In illness and in strife, in triumph and success they are recited
Psalms of King David capture each ones’ joy and grief, thanksgiving and remorse, cries from the heart and songs of happiness.
Psalms are part of the daily prayers.
When prayers are answered and moments of good fortune, Psalms are chanted and read joyously.
The book of Tehillim (Psalms) with 150 prayers and hymns were composed by various authors, mainly King David, in ancient Israel. It has become one of the most cherished books in the Jewish bible. For generations, the Tehillim has been a source of inspiration and comfort to many.
It is the book with the most number of chapters in the Hebrew Bible (Tanach). Also, having the longest chapter with 176 verses total in one chapter of 119.

Torah - Kesuvim - Neviim