On Daily Holy Bible Reading
The Book of Mishlei (Proverbs) in the Hebrew Bible
The book begins with a call to seek wisdom and understanding, and it describes the benefits that come from doing so, such as knowledge and discernment.
King Solomon then contrasts the ways of the wicked with the ways of the righteous, emphasizing that the righteous will inherit the land and dwell in safety.
Learn about morality, justice, relationships, wealth, and most important, the fear of Hashem.
Fear | Wisdom
Knowledge Is Uplifted In Proverbs
Treating the poor with kindness favors Hashem.
Your deeds show the kind of G-d you serve and worship; especially when no one is watching.
“Trust In Hashem Results In Righteous Deeds”
A [good] name is preferred to wealth, and goodly favor than silver and gold.
The rich man and the pauper meet; Hashem is the Maker of them all.
The result of humility is fear of Hashem, wealth, honor, and life.
Train the youth according to his way; even when he grows old, he will not swerve from it.
One with a good eye will be blessed, for he has given his bread to the poor.
He who loves purity of heart, [and] whose lips are gracious — the King is his friend.
The eyes of Hashem protect knowledge, and He perverts the words of the faithless one.
Incline your ear and hear the words of the wise; set your heart to My knowledge.
For it is pleasant if you guard them in your innards and establish all of them upon your lips.
Let your trust remain with Hashem, I have made this known to you today, you also.
… the veracity of true words, so that you may answer words of truth…
Do not rob the destitute because he is destitute, and do not oppress the poor man in the gate [of judgment].
For Hashem will take up their grievance; …
Do not be among those who shake hands, among the guarantors for loans.
If you have no money to pay, why should he take your bedding from beneath you?
Do not move back the long-standing boundary marker that your forefathers established.
1 A name is chosen above great wealth; good favor over silver and gold.
2 A rich man and a poor man were visited upon; the Lord is the Maker of them all.
3 A cunning man saw harm and hid, but fools transgressed and were punished.
4 In the wake of humility comes fear of the Lord, riches, honor, and life.
5 Troops [and] snares are in the way of the perverse; he who preserves his soul will distance himself from them.
6 Train a child according to his way; even when he grows old, he will not turn away from it.
7 A rich man will rule over the poor, and a borrower is a slave to a lender.
8 He who sows injustice will reap violence, and the rod of his wrath will fail.
9 He who has a generous eye will be blessed, for he gave of his bread to the poor.
10 Banish a scorner, and quarrel will depart, and litigation and disgrace will cease.
11 He who loves one pure of heart with charm on his lips-the King is his friend.
12 The eyes of the Lord preserve knowledge and He will frustrate the words of a treacherous man.
13 The lazy man says, “There is a lion outside; I will be murdered in the middle of the streets.”
14 The mouth of strange women is [like] a deep pit; the one abhorred by the Lord will fall therein.
15 Foolishness is bound in a child’s heart; the rod of discipline will drive it far from him.
16 He who exploits a poor man to increase for himself will give to a rich man only to want.
17 Incline your ear and hearken to the words of the wise, and put your heart to my knowledge,
18 for it is pleasant that you guard them in your innards; they will be established together on your lips.
19 That your trust shall be in the Lord, I have made known to you this day, even you.
20 Have I not written to you thirds with counsels and knowledge,
21 to make known to you the certainty of the true words, to respond with words of truth to those who send you?
22 Do not rob a poor man because he is poor, and do not crush the poor man in the gate.
23 For the Lord will plead their cause and rob those who rob them, of life.
24 Do not befriend a quick-tempered person, neither shall you go with a wrathful man;
25 lest you learn his ways and take a snare for your soul.
26 Do not be one of those who give their hands, who stand surety for debts.
27 If you do not have what to pay, why should he take your bed from under you?
28 Do not remove an ancient boundary that your forefathers set.
29 Have you seen a man quick in his work? He will stand before kings; he will not stand before poor men.
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