On Daily Holy Bible Reading
The Book of Mishlei (Proverbs) in the Hebrew Bible
The book begins with a call to seek wisdom and understanding, and it describes the benefits that come from doing so, such as knowledge and discernment.
King Solomon then contrasts the ways of the wicked with the ways of the righteous, emphasizing that the righteous will inherit the land and dwell in safety.
Learn about morality, justice, relationships, wealth, and most important, the fear of Hashem.
Fear | Wisdom
Proverbs Further Magnifies Evil And Its Consequences And Repercussions
This is what sets us apart from animals.
Thus, your conduct and behaviour must far exceed than that of animals; since at times, animals are more proper than humans (LBTQ).
“An Evildoer”
“A False Person”
“A Mocker”
A refining pot is for silver and a crucible for gold, but Hashem tests hearts.
An evildoer is attentive to iniquitous speech; a false person listens to a destructive tongue.
One who mocks a pauper insults his Maker; one who rejoices in [another’s] misfortune will not be exonerated.
The crown of elders is grandchildren, and the glory of children is their parents.
Chastisement frightens an understanding one more than smiting a fool a hundred times.
The rebellious one seeks only evil, …
[If] one repays good with evil, evil will not depart from his house.
The beginning of a quarrel is like releasing water; before the argument is revealed, abandon it!
Justifying an evildoer and condemning a righteous person, both are abominations of Hashem.
A friend’s love is for all times, and a brother is born for [times of] affliction.
The perverse of heart will not find good, and one duplicitous in his tongue will fall into evil.
An evildoer will take a bribe from the lap [of the giver], to pervert the paths of justice.
One who is sparing in his words knows knowledge, and a man of understanding speaks sparingly.
Even a fool will be considered wise if he is silent; when he seals his lips [he will be considered] understanding.
1 Better a piece of dry bread and tranquility with it, than a house full of sacrifices of strife.
2 An intelligent slave will rule over a disgraceful son, and among the brothers he will divide the inheritance.
3 A refining pot is for silver, and a furnace is for gold, but the Lord tests the hearts.
4 An evildoer hearkens to a language of violence; a liar lends an ear to destructive language.
5 He who mocks a poor man blasphemes his Maker; he who rejoices at a misfortune will not go unpunished.
6 Children’s children are the crown of the aged, and the glory of the children is their fathers.
7 Proud words do not befit a vile person, surely not lying speech a generous one.
8 A bribe is a precious stone in the eyes of the one who has it; wherever he turns, he prospers.
9 He who conceals transgression seeks love, but he who harps on a matter alienates the Lord.
10 The humility caused by the rebuke of an understanding person [is more effective] than a hundred blows to a fool.
11 He who is only rebellious seeks evil, and a cruel angel shall be sent against him.
12 May a bereaving bear encounter a person rather than a fool with his folly.
13 He who repays evil for good-evil will not depart from his house.
14 The beginning of strife is like letting out water, and before you are exposed, abandon the quarrel.
15 He who vindicates the wicked and condemns the righteous-both are an abomination to the Lord.
16 Why is there a price in the fool’s hand to buy wisdom, when the heart is not here?
17 At all times, love a friend, for he is born a brother for adversity.
18 A person without sense clasps hands; he becomes surety before his neighbor.
19 He who delights in transgression delights in quarrels; he who speaks haughtily seeks disaster.
20 He who is of a perverse heart will find no good, and he who has a hypocritical tongue will fall into evil.
21 He who begets a fool, does so to his sorrow; neither will the father of a vile man rejoice.
22 A happy heart enhances one’s brilliance, and a broken spirit dries the bones.
23 He will take a bribe from a wicked man’s bosom, to pervert the roads of justice.
24 Wisdom is directly in front of an understanding man, but the eyes of a fool are at the end of the earth.
25 A foolish son causes anger to his father, and bitterness to her who bore him.
26 To punish also the righteous man is not good-to strike the generous who possess uprightness.
27 He who has knowledge keeps back his words; he whose breath is dear is a man of understanding.
28 He who silences even a fool is considered a wise man; one who shuts his lips, a man of understanding.
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