On Daily Holy Bible Reading
The Book of Mishlei (Proverbs) in the Hebrew Bible
The book begins with a call to seek wisdom and understanding, and it describes the benefits that come from doing so, such as knowledge and discernment.
King Solomon then contrasts the ways of the wicked with the ways of the righteous, emphasizing that the righteous will inherit the land and dwell in safety.
Learn about morality, justice, relationships, wealth, and most important, the fear of Hashem.
Fear | Wisdom
Proverbs Elaborates Further On Being Trustful In G-d
The basis of morality is found in the Torah.
Imagine to consider it null and void since Jesus did it all on the cross according to the alien teaching/doctrine of the Greek book – New Testament. What would our world be? Worst than animals or insects.
If you are one of those who believe in such falsehood, time to take a closer look, and make your move.
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“Wise Versus Fool”
One who walks in his uprightness fears Hashem; …
In the mouth of the foolish one is the staff of pride, …
One who will not deceive is a trustworthy witness, …
The scoffer seeks wisdom yet there is none, but wisdom will come easily to the understanding one.
Go far away from a man who is a fool, lest you not know the lips of knowledge.
A guilt-offering will interpose for foolish ones, but [Hashem’s] favor is among the upright.
There is a way that seems right to man, but at its end are the ways of death;
A fool believes anything, but a clever person understands it correctly.
A wise man fears and turns away from evil, but a fool becomes enraged and is confident.
Fools have inherited folly, but the clever are crowned with knowledge.
A poor person will be hated even by his companion, but the lovers of the rich [will be] many.
He who shames his friend is a sinner, but praiseworthy is one who is gracious to the humble.
In all toil there will be gain, but talk of the lips brings only loss.
In fear of Hashem is a powerful stronghold, and for his children it will be a shelter;
Fear of Hashem is the source of life, to turn one away from the snares of death.
Slowness to anger [shows] much understanding, but a short-spirited person elevates foolishness.
A tender heart [brings] healing of the flesh, …
One who robs the poor man disgraces his Maker, but he who is gracious to the destitute honors Him.
In his trouble the wicked one is cast off [from God], but he who takes shelter [in Him] remains righteous in death.
Wisdom resides in an understanding heart, …
1 The wisest of women-each one built her house, but a foolish one tears it down with her hands.
2 He who fears the Lord goes in his uprightness, but he whose ways are perverse despises Him.
3 In a fool’s mouth is a staff of haughtiness but the lips of the wise guard them.
4 Without oxen the manger is empty, but an abundance comes by the strength of an ox.
5 A faithful witness does not lie, but he who speaks lies is a false witness.
6 The scorner sought wisdom, but it is not there; but knowledge for the understanding one is easy.
7 Go far away from a foolish man or you will not know lips of knowledge.
8 The wisdom of a cunning man is to understand his way, but the folly of the fools is deceit.
9 Amends for guilt plead for the fools, but there is good will among the upright.
10 One’s heart knows the bitterness of his soul, and in his joy no stranger shall mingle.
11 The house of the wicked shall be destroyed, but the tent of the righteous shall flourish.
12 There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is ways of death.
13 Even with laughter, the heart aches, and its end is that joy turns to sorrow.
14 The one with an impure heart shall have his fill from his ways, and above him is a good man.
15 A fool believes everything, but a cunning man understands his steps.
16 A wise man fears and turns away from evil, but a fool passes vigorously and slips.
17 A quick-tempered man acts foolishly, and a man of sinful plots is hated.
18 Fools inherit folly, but the cunning make knowledge a crown.
19 The evil bend down before the good, and the wicked on the gates of a righteous man.
20 The poor man is hated even by his friend, but the friends of the rich are many.
21 He who despises his friend is a sinner, but he who favors the humble-fortunate is he.
22 Will they who plan evil not go astray? But kindness and truth come to those who plan good.
23 In every toil there will be gain, but a word of the lips is only for loss.
24 The crown of the wise is their wealth; the folly of the foolish is folly.
25 A true witness saves lives, but he who speaks lies is [a man of] deceit.
26 In the fear of the Lord is a strong promise, and he will be a shelter for his sons.
27 The fear of the Lord is a spring of life, to turn away from the snares of death.
28 The King’s glory is in a multitude of people, but the ruin of His Princedom is in lack of people.
29 He who is slow to anger is of great understanding, but he who is quick-tempered selects folly.
30 A healing heart is the life of the flesh, but anger is the rot of the bones.
31 He who oppresses a poor man blasphemes his Maker, but he who favors a poor man honors Him.
32 A wicked man is thrust down with his evil, but a righteous man is confident in his death.
33 Wisdom rests in the heart of an understanding man, but in the midst of the fools it is known.
34 Charity will elevate a nation, but the kindness of the kingdoms is sin.
35 The king’s good will is to an intelligent servant, but his wrath will be upon a shameful one.
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