The book details the account of the israelites’ census and arrangements of their tribes. The complaints of the people, twelve spies, prophet Balaam, and other crucial events that remain relevant and recurring in our day and age are also described in the book of Numbers.
In summary, the Book of Numbers is a rich source of history, law, and religious practices of the Israelites. It highlights the faithfulness and sovereignty of God, as well as the grumbling and disobedience of His chosen people. The book serves as a reminder to trust God’s promises and to follow Him wholeheartedly.
Chapter 9
Numbers Chapter 9 Relates the Unbelievable Daily Miracles as the Children of Israel Settles and Journeys Under G-d’s Leading and Guidance
Detail After Each Detail You Continue To Learn As Long As You Are Willing With An Open And Sincere Heart
In this chapter, a clear day-to-day miracle happens as the Children Of Israel Journey In The Wilderness.
In our time, if only you would spare a few minutes of your time daily to follow each day for a “One Chapter A Day” reading or even listening devotion your life will never be the same again.
“The Pesach-Offering (Passover) in the Wilderness”
“The Pesach sheni/The Second Pesach-Offering”
“Divine Signs”
“The Children of Israel shall make the pesach-offering in its appointed time.
On the fourteenth day of this month in the afternoon shall you make it, in its appointed time; according to all its decrees and laws shall you make it.”
…; according to everything that Hashem had commanded Moses, so the Children of Israel did.
There were men who had been contaminated by a human corpse and could not make the pesach-offering on that day; so they approached Moses and Aaron on that day.
Moses said to them, “Stand by and I will hear what Hashem will command you.”
But a man who is pure and was not on the road and had refrained from making the pesach-offering, that soul shall be cut off from its people, for he had not offered Hashem’s offering in its appointed time; that man will bear his sin.
When a convert shall dwell with you, and he shall make a pesach-offering to Hashem, according to the decree of the pesach-offering and its law, so shall he do; one decree shall be for you, for the proselyte and the native of the Land.”
On the day the Tabernacle was set up, the cloud covered the Tabernacle that was a tent for the Testimony, and in the evening there would be upon the Tabernacle like a fiery appearance until morning.
And whenever the cloud was lifted from atop the Tent, afterwards the Children of Israel would journey, and in the place where the cloud would rest, there the Children of Israel would encamp.
According to the word of Hashem would the Children of Israel journey, and according to the word of Hashem would they encamp; all the days that the cloud would rest upon the Tabernacle they would encamp.
…; according to the word of Hashem would they encamp and according to the word of Hashem would they journey.
According to the word of Hashem would they encamp, and according to the word of Hashem would they journey; the charge of Hashem would they safeguard, according to the word of Hashem through Moses.
1 The Lord spoke to Moses in the Sinai Desert, in the second year of their exodus from the land of Egypt, in the first month, saying:
2 The children of Israel shall make the Passover sacrifice in its appointed time.
3 On the afternoon of the fourteenth of this month, you shall make it in its appointed time; in accordance with all its statutes and all its ordinances you shall make it.
4 Moses spoke to the children of Israel [instructing them] to make the Passover sacrifice.
5 So they made the Passover sacrifice in the first month, on the afternoon fourteenth day of the month in the Sinai Desert; according to all that the Lord had commanded Moses, so did the children of Israel do.
6 There were men who were ritually unclean [because of contact with] a dead person, and therefore could not make the Passover sacrifice on that day. So they approached Moses and Aaron on that day.
7 Those men said to him, “We are ritually unclean [because of contact] with a dead person; [but] why should we be excluded so as not to bring the offering of the Lord in its appointed time, with all the children of Israel?
8 Moses said to them, “Wait, and I will hear what the Lord instructs concerning you.”
9 The Lord spoke to Moses saying:
10 Speak to the children of Israel saying, Any person who becomes unclean from [contact with] the dead, or is on a distant journey, whether among you or in future generations, he shall make a Passover sacrifice for the Lord.
11 In the second month, on the fourteenth day, in the afternoon, they shall make it; they shall eat it with unleavened cakes and bitter herbs.
12 They shall not leave over anything from it until the next morning, and they shall not break any of its bones. They shall make it in accordance with all the statutes connected with the Passover sacrifice.
13 But the man who was ritually clean and was not on a journey, yet refrained from making the Passover sacrifice, his soul shall be cut off from his people, for he did not bring the offering of the Lord in its appointed time; that person shall bear his sin.
14 If a proselyte dwells with you, and he makes a Passover sacrifice to the Lord, according to the statutes of the Passover sacrifice and its ordinances he shall make it. One statute shall apply to you, to the proselyte and to the native-born citizen.
15 On the day the Mishkan was erected, the cloud covered the Mishkan, which was a tent for the Testimony, and at evening, there was over the Mishkan like an appearance of fire, [which remained] until morning.
16 So it was always, the cloud covered it and there was an appearance of fire at night.
17 and according to the cloud’s departure from over the Tent, and afterwards, the children of Israel would travel, and in the place where the cloud settled, there the children of Israel would encamp.
18 At the bidding of the Lord, the children of Israel traveled, and at the bidding of the Lord, they encamped. As long as the cloud hovered above the Mishkan, they encamped.
19 When the cloud lingered over the Mishkan for many days, the children of Israel kept the charge of the Lord and did not travel.
20 Sometimes, the cloud remained for several days above the Mishkan; at the Lord’s bidding they traveled and at the Lord’s bidding they encamped.
21 Sometimes the cloud remained from evening until morning, and when the cloud departed in the morning, they traveled. Or, the cloud remained for a day and a night, and when the cloud departed, they traveled.
22 Whether it was for two days, a month or a year, that the cloud lingered to hover over the Mishkan, the children of Israel would encamp and not travel, and when it departed, they traveled.
23 At the Lord’s bidding they would encamp, and at the Lord’s bidding they would travel; they kept the charge of the Lord by the word of the Lord through Moses.
(Audio Bible)
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The book of Deuteronomy, also known as Devarim in Hebrew (“Words”), is the fifth book of the Hebrew Bible or the Christian Old Testament. It contains a series of speeches by Moses to the Israelites, just before they are about to enter the promised land, which summarize and expand upon many of the laws and commandments given in the earlier books of the Torah. The word Deuteronomy literally means “second law,” indicating that Moses is rehearsing the law with the Israelites before they enter the land.
The book is often seen as a sort of farewell address by Moses, containing some of his final instructions and blessings to the people he has led for many years. It emphasizes the importance of following G-d’s commandments and remaining faithful to Him, while warning against the dangers of disobedience and idolatry. Overall, Deuteronomy serves as a significant text in the history of Judaism and Christianity, containing many of the foundational beliefs and values of these religions.

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