The book details the account of the israelites’ census and arrangements of their tribes. The complaints of the people, twelve spies, prophet Balaam, and other crucial events that remain relevant and recurring in our day and age are also described in the book of Numbers.
In summary, the Book of Numbers is a rich source of history, law, and religious practices of the Israelites. It highlights the faithfulness and sovereignty of God, as well as the grumbling and disobedience of His chosen people. The book serves as a reminder to trust God’s promises and to follow Him wholeheartedly.
Chapter 30
Numbers Chapter 30 Lays the Importance of Utterances
Yes Things Are Easier Said Than Done
But your words can impact not just your life, but also others – either positively or negatively.
“Vows and Oaths”
Moses said to the Children of Israel according to everything that Hashem had commanded Moses.
If a man takes a vow to Hashem or swears an oath to establish a prohibition upon himself, he shall not desecrate his word; according to whatever comes from his mouth shall he do.
But if a woman will take a vow to Hashem or establish a prohibition in her father’s home in her youth, and her father heard of her vow or her prohibition in her father’s home in her youth,
and her father heard of her vow or her prohibition that she established upon herself, and her father was silent about her, then all her vows shall stand, and any prohibition that she established upon herself shall stand.
But if her father restrained her on the day of his hearing, all her vows or prohibitions that she established upon herself shall not stand; and Hashem will forgive her, for her father had restrained her.
If she shall be married to a man and her vows were upon her, or an utterance of her lips by which she had prohibited something upon herself,
and her husband heard, and on the day of his hearing he was silent about her – then her vows shall stand and her prohibition that she established upon herself shall stand.
But if on the day of her husband’s hearing he shall restrain her and he shall revoke the vow that is upon her or the utterance of her lips by which she had prohibited something upon herself – then Hashem will forgive her.
The vow of a widow or a divorcee – anything she had prohibited upon herself – shall remain upon her.
Any vow and any oath-prohibition to cause personal affliction, her husband may let it stand and her husband may revoke it.
These are the decrees that Hashem commanded Moses, between a man and his wife, between a father and his daughter in her youth, in her father’s house.
1 Moses spoke to the children of Israel in accordance with all that the Lord had commanded Moses.
2 Moses spoke to the heads of the tribes of the children of Israel, saying: This is the thing the Lord has commanded.
3 If a man makes a vow to the Lord or makes an oath to prohibit himself, he shall not violate his word; according to whatever came out of his mouth, he shall do.
4 If a woman makes a vow to the Lord, or imposes a prohibition [upon herself] while in her father’s house, in her youth,
5 if her father heard her vow or her prohibition which she has prohibited upon herself, yet her father remains silent, all her vows shall stand, and any prohibition that she has imposed upon herself shall stand.
6 But if her father hinders her on the day he hears it, all her vows and her prohibitions that she has imposed upon herself shall not stand. The Lord will forgive her because her father hindered her.
7 But if she is [betrothed] to a man, with her vows upon her or by an utterance of her lips which she has imposed upon herself,
8 and her husband hears it but remains silent on the day he hears it, her vows shall stand, and her prohibition which she has imposed upon herself shall stand.
9 But if her husband hinders her on the day he heard it, he has revoked the vow she had taken upon herself and the utterance which she had imposed upon herself, and the Lord will forgive her.
10 As for the vow of a widow or a divorced woman, whatever she prohibited upon herself will remain upon her.
11 But if she vowed in her husband’s house, or imposed a prohibition upon herself with an oath.
12 and her husband heard and remained silent, and did not hinder her, all her vows shall stand, and every prohibition she imposed upon herself shall stand.
13 If her husband revokes them on the day he hears them, anything issuing from her lips regarding her vows or self imposed prohibitions shall not stand; her husband has revoked them and the Lord shall forgive her.
14 Any vow or any binding oath of self affliction, her husband can either uphold it or revoke it.
15 However, if her husband remained silent from day to day, he has upheld all the vows and prohibitions she has assumed; he has upheld them since he remained silent on the day he heard it.
16 If he revokes them after having heard [them], he shall bear her iniquity.
17 These are the statutes which the Lord commanded Moses concerning a man and his wife, a father and his daughter, in her youth, while in her father’s house.
(Audio Bible)
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The book of Deuteronomy, also known as Devarim in Hebrew (“Words”), is the fifth book of the Hebrew Bible or the Christian Old Testament. It contains a series of speeches by Moses to the Israelites, just before they are about to enter the promised land, which summarize and expand upon many of the laws and commandments given in the earlier books of the Torah. The word Deuteronomy literally means “second law,” indicating that Moses is rehearsing the law with the Israelites before they enter the land.
The book is often seen as a sort of farewell address by Moses, containing some of his final instructions and blessings to the people he has led for many years. It emphasizes the importance of following G-d’s commandments and remaining faithful to Him, while warning against the dangers of disobedience and idolatry. Overall, Deuteronomy serves as a significant text in the history of Judaism and Christianity, containing many of the foundational beliefs and values of these religions.

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