The book details the account of the israelites’ census and arrangements of their tribes. The complaints of the people, twelve spies, prophet Balaam, and other crucial events that remain relevant and recurring in our day and age are also described in the book of Numbers.
In summary, the Book of Numbers is a rich source of history, law, and religious practices of the Israelites. It highlights the faithfulness and sovereignty of God, as well as the grumbling and disobedience of His chosen people. The book serves as a reminder to trust God’s promises and to follow Him wholeheartedly.
Chapter 18
Numbers Chapter 18 Makes it Clear on Matters of Giving and the Appointed Persons to Conduct the Service and Receive
Did You Know That It Is G-d Who Commanded To Give Or To Tithe?
It is an obligation, and not voluntary.
Why? You might ask. Obligation means you are not to miss. On the contrary, voluntary is almost – not necessary to give.
“Aaron’s Duty Reiterated”
“Gifts to the Kohanim”
“Tithes to the Levites”
Hashem said to Aaron, “You, your sons and your father’s household with you shall bear the iniquity of the Sanctuary; and you and your sons with you shall bear the iniquity of your priesthood.
They shall be joined to you and safeguard the charge of the Tent of Meeting for the entire service of the Tent, and an alien shall not approach you.
You shall safeguard the charge of the Holy and the charge of the Altar, and there shall be no more wrath against the Children of Israel.
And I – behold! I have taken your brethren the Levites from among the Children of Israel; to you they are presented as a gift for Hashem, to perform the service of the Tent of Meeting.
All the best of your oil and the best of your wine and grain, their first, which they give to Hashem, to you have I given them.
“Everything that is set aside from the sanctities that the Children of Israel raise up to Hashem have I given to you and your sons and daughters with you as an eternal portion; it is an eternal salt-like covenant before Hashem, for you and your offspring with you.”
Hashem said to Aaron, “In their Land you shall have no heritage, and a share shall you not have among them; I am your share and your heritage among the Children of Israel.
“To the sons of Levi, behold! I have given every tithe in Israel as a heritage in exchange for the service that they perform, the service of the Tent of Meeting –
so that the Children of Israel shall not again approach the Tent of Meeting to bear a sin to die.
The Levite himself shall perform the service of the Tent of Meeting, and they shall bear their iniquity, an eternal decree for your generations; and among the Children of Israel they shall not inherit a heritage.
“To the Levites shall you speak and you shall say to them, ‘When you accept from the Children of Israel the tithe that I have given you from them as your heritage, you shall raise up from it a gift to Hashem, a tithe from the tithe.
So shall you, too, raise up the gift of Hashem from the Children of Israel, and you shall give from it a gift of Hashem to Aaron the Kohen.
From all your gifts you shall raise up every gift of Hashem, from all its best part, its sacred part from it.’
You shall not bear a sin because of it when you raise up its best from it; and the sanctities of the Children of Israel you shall not desecrate, so that you shall not die.’”
1 The Lord said to Aaron: You, your sons and your father’s house shall bear the iniquity associated with the Sanctuary, and you and your sons with you shall bear the iniquity associated with your kehunah.
2 Also your brethren, the tribe of Levi, your father’s tribe, draw close to you, and they shall join you and minister to you, and you and your sons with you, before the Tent of Testimony.
3 They shall keep your charge and the charge of the Tent, and they shall not approach the holy vessels or the altar, so that neither they nor you will die.
4 They shall join you, and they shall keep the charge of the Tent of Meeting for all the service of the Tent, and no outsider shall come near you.
5 They shall keep the charge of the Sanctuary and the charge of the altar, so that there be no more wrath against the children of Israel.
6 I have therefore taken your brethren, the Levites, from among the children of Israel; they are given to you as a gift, and given over to the Lord to perform the service in the Tent of Meeting.
7 And you and your sons shall keep your kehunah in all matters concerning the altar, and concerning what is within the dividing screen, and you shall serve; the service as a gift I have given your kehunah, and any outsider [non-kohen] who approaches shall die.
8 The Lord told Aaron: Behold I have given you the charge of My gift [offerings]. I have thus given you all the holy things of the children of Israel for distinction, and as an eternal portion for your sons.
9 These shall be yours from the holiest of holies, from the fire: all their offerings, their meal-offerings, their sin-offerings, their guilt-offerings, [and] what they return to Me; they shall be holy of holies to you and to your sons.
10 You shall eat it in the holiest of places. Any male may eat of it; it shall be holy to you.
11 This shall be yours what is set aside for their gifts from all the wavings of the children of Israel; I have given them to you, and to your sons and to your daughters with you, as an eternal portion. Any [ritually] clean member of your household may eat it.
12 The choice of the oil and the choice of the wine and grain, the first of which they give to the Lord, to you I have given them.
13 The first fruit of all that grows in their land, which they shall bring to the Lord shall be yours; any [ritually] clean member of your household may eat of it.
14 Any devoted thing in Israel shall be yours.
15 Every first issue of the womb of any creature, which they present to the Lord, whether of man or beast, shall be yours. However, you shall redeem the firstborn of man, and the firstborn of unclean animals you shall redeem.
16 Its redemption [shall be performed] from the age of a month, according to the valuation, five shekels of silver, according to the holy shekel, which is twenty gerahs.
17 However, a firstborn ox or a firstborn sheep or a firstborn goat shall not be redeemed, for they are holy; their blood shall be sprinkled on the altar, and their fats shall be burned as a fire-offering, as a pleasing fragrance to the Lord.
18 Their flesh shall be yours; like the breast of the waving and the right thigh, it shall be yours.
19 All the gifts of the holy [offerings] which are set aside by the children of Israel for the Lord I have given to you, and to your sons and daughters with you, as an eternal portion; it is like an eternal covenant of salt before the Lord, for you and your descendants with you.
20 The Lord said to Aaron, You shall not inherit in their land, and you shall have no portion among them. I am your inheritance and portion among the children of Israel.
21 And to the descendants of Levi, I have given all tithes of Israel as an inheritance, in exchange for their service which they perform-the service of the Tent of Meeting.
22 The children of Israel shall therefore no longer approach the Tent of Meeting, lest they bear sin and die.
23 The Levites shall perform the service of the Tent of Meeting, and they will bear their iniquity; it is an eternal statute for your generations, but among the children of Israel they shall have no inheritance.
24 For the tithes of the children of Israel, which they shall set aside for the Lord as a gift, I have given to the Levites as an inheritance. Thus, I have said to them that they shall have no inheritance among the children of Israel.
25 The Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
26 Speak to the Levites and tell them, “When you take the tithe from the children of Israel which I have given you from them as your inheritance, you shall set aside from it a gift for the Lord, a tithe of the tithe.
27 Your gift shall be considered for you as grain from the threshing-floor and as the produce of the vat.
28 So shall you too set aside a gift for the Lord from all the tithes you take from the children of Israel, and you shall give thereof the Lord’s gift to Aaron the priest.
29 From all your gifts, you shall set aside every gift of the Lord, from its choicest portion, that part of it which is to be consecrated.”
30 Say to them, “When you separate its choicest part, it shall be considered for the Levites as produce from the threshing-floor and as produce from the vat.
31 You and your household may eat it anywhere, for it is your wage for you in exchange for your service in the Tent of Meeting.
32 After you separate the choicest part from it, you shall not bear any sin on account of it, but you shall not profane the sacred [offerings] of the children of Israel, so that you shall not die.
(Audio Bible)
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The book of Deuteronomy, also known as Devarim in Hebrew (“Words”), is the fifth book of the Hebrew Bible or the Christian Old Testament. It contains a series of speeches by Moses to the Israelites, just before they are about to enter the promised land, which summarize and expand upon many of the laws and commandments given in the earlier books of the Torah. The word Deuteronomy literally means “second law,” indicating that Moses is rehearsing the law with the Israelites before they enter the land.
The book is often seen as a sort of farewell address by Moses, containing some of his final instructions and blessings to the people he has led for many years. It emphasizes the importance of following G-d’s commandments and remaining faithful to Him, while warning against the dangers of disobedience and idolatry. Overall, Deuteronomy serves as a significant text in the history of Judaism and Christianity, containing many of the foundational beliefs and values of these religions.

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