The book details the account of the israelites’ census and arrangements of their tribes. The complaints of the people, twelve spies, prophet Balaam, and other crucial events that remain relevant and recurring in our day and age are also described in the book of Numbers.
In summary, the Book of Numbers is a rich source of history, law, and religious practices of the Israelites. It highlights the faithfulness and sovereignty of God, as well as the grumbling and disobedience of His chosen people. The book serves as a reminder to trust God’s promises and to follow Him wholeheartedly.
Chapter 11
Numbers Chapter 11 Proves that Even Miracle After Another Miracle from G-d You Will Always Have Something to Complain About in Everyday Life
Ungratefulness As A Result Will Yield Complaint One After Another
Worst is, it may lead you to utter comparison that your previous way of life is better off than your current – if you are living a godly or religious life genuinely (not a show-off).
“The Complainers”
“Dissatisfaction with the Manna”
“Moses’ Despair”
“The Sanhedrin”
“G-d Responds to the People”
“New Prophets”
“The Quail”
The people took to seeking complaints; it was evil in the ears of Hashem, and Hashem heard and His wrath flared, and a fire of Hashem burned against them, and it consumed at the edge of the camp.
The people cried out to Moses; Moses prayed to Hashem, and the fire died down.
The rabble that was among them cultivated a craving, and the Children of Israel also wept once more, and said, “Who will feed us meat?
We remember the fish that we ate in Egypt free of charge; the cucumbers, melons, leeks, onions, and garlic.
But now, our life is parched, there is nothing; we have nothing to anticipate but the manna!”
Now the manna was like coriander seed and its color was like the color of the bedolach.
When the dew descended upon the camp at night, the manna would descend upon it.
Moses heard the people weeping in their family groups, each one at the entrance of his tent, and the wrath of Hashem flared greatly; and in the eyes of Moses it was bad.
Moses said to Hashem, “Why have You done evil to Your servant; why have I not found favor in Your eyes, that You place the burden of this entire people upon me?
I alone cannot carry this entire nation, for it is too heavy for me!
Hashem said to Moses, “Gather to Me seventy men from the elders of Israel, whom you know to be the elders of Israel, whom you know to be the elders of the people and its officers; take them to the Tent of Meeting and have them stand there with you.
I will descend and speak with you there, and I will increase some of the spirit that is upon you and place it upon them, and they shall bear the burden of the people with you, and you shall not bear alone.
“To the people you shall say, ‘Prepare yourselves for tomorrow and you shall eat meat, for you have wept in the ears of Hashem, saying: Who will feed us meat? for it was better for us in Egypt! So Hashem will give you meat and you will eat.
Until an entire month of days, until it comes out of your nose, and becomes nauseating to you, because you have rejected Hashem Who is in your midst, and you have wept before Him, saying: Why did we leave Egypt?
Hashem said to Moses, “Is the hand of Hashem limited? Now you will see whether My word comes to pass or not!”
Hashem descended in a cloud and spoke to him, and He increased some of the spirit that was upon him and gave it to the seventy men, the elders; when the spirit rested upon them, they prophesied, but did not do so again.
A wind went forth from Hashem and blew quail from the sea and spread them over the camp, a day’s journey this way and a day’s journey that way, all around the camp, and two cubits above the face of the earth.
The meat was still between their teeth, not yet chewed, when the wrath of Hashem flared against the people, and Hashem struck a very mighty blow against the people.
1 The people were looking to complain, and it was evil in the ears of the Lord. The Lord heard and His anger flared, and a fire from the Lord burned among them, consuming the extremes of the camp.
2 The people cried out to Moses; Moses prayed to the Lord, and the fire died down.
3 He named that place Tab’erah, for the fire of the Lord had burned among them there.
4 But the multitude among them began to have strong cravings. Then even the children of Israel once again began to cry, and they said, “Who will feed us meat?
5 We remember the fish that we ate in Egypt free of charge, the cucumbers, the watermelons, the leeks, the onions, and the garlic.
6 But now, our bodies are dried out, for there is nothing at all; we have nothing but manna to look at.”
7 Now the manna was like coriander seed, and its appearance was like the appearance of crystal.
8 The people walked about and gathered it. Then they ground it in a mill or crushed it in a mortar, cooked it in a pot and made it into cakes. It had a taste like the taste of oil cake.
9 When the dew descended on the camp at night, the manna would descend upon it.
10 Moses heard the people weeping with their families,each one at the entrance to his tent. The Lord became very angry, and Moses considered it evil.
11 Moses said to the Lord, “Why have You treated Your servant so badly? Why have I not found favor in Your eyes that You place the burden of this entire people upon me?
12 Did I conceive this entire people? Did I give birth to them, that You say to me, ‘Carry them in your bosom as the nurse carries the suckling,’ to the Land You promised their forefathers?
13 Where can I get meat to give all these people? For they are crying on me, saying, ‘Give us meat to eat.’
14 Alone I cannot carry this entire people for it is too hard for me.
15 If this is the way You treat me, please kill me if I have found favor in Your eyes, so that I not see my misfortune.”
16 Then the Lord said to Moses, “Assemble for Me seventy men of the elders of Israel, whom you know to be the people’s elders and officers, and you shall take them to the Tent of Meeting, and they shall stand there with You.
17 I will come down and speak with you there, and I will increase the spirit that is upon you and bestow it upon them. Then they will bear the burden of the people with you so that you need not bear it alone.
18 And to the people, you shall say, ‘Prepare yourselves for tomorrow and you shall eat meat, because you have cried in the ears of the Lord saying, “Who will feed us meat, for we had it better in Egypt.” [Therefore,] the Lord will give you meat, and you shall eat.
19 You shall eat it not one day, not two days, not five days, not ten days, and not twenty days.
20 But even for a full month until it comes out your nose and nauseates you. Because you have despised the Lord Who is among you, and you cried before Him, saying, “Why did we ever leave Egypt?”‘”
21 Moses said, “Six hundred thousand people on foot are the people in whose midst I am, and You say, ‘I will give them meat, and they will eat it for a full month’?
22 If sheep and cattle were slaughtered for them, would it suffice for them? If all the fish of the sea were gathered for them, would it suffice for them?”
23 Then the Lord said to Moses, “Is My power limited? Now you will see if My word comes true for you or not!”
24 Moses went out and told the people what the Lord had said, and he assembled seventy men of the elders of the people, and stood them around the Tent.
25 The Lord descended in a cloud and spoke to him, and He increased some of the spirit that was on him and bestowed it on the seventy elders. And when the spirit rested upon them, they prophesied, but they did not continue.
26 Now two men remained in the camp; the name of one was Eldad and the name of the second was Medad, and the spirit rested upon them. They were among those written, but they did not go out to the tent, but prophesied in the camp.
27 The lad ran and told Moses, saying, “Eldad and Medad are prophesying in the camp!”
28 Joshua the son of Nun, Moses’ servant from his youth, answered and said, Moses, my master, imprison them!”
29 Moses said to him, “Are you zealous for my sake? If only all the Lord’s people were prophets, that the Lord would bestow His spirit upon them!”
30 Then Moses entered the camp; he and the elders of Israel.
31 A wind went forth from the Lord and swept quails from the sea and spread them over the camp about one day’s journey this way and one day’s journey that way, around the camp, about two cubits above the ground.
32 The people rose up all that day and all night and the next day and gathered the quails. [Even] the one who gathered the least collected ten heaps. They spread them around the camp in piles.
33 The meat was still between their teeth; it was not yet finished, and the anger of the Lord flared against the people, and the Lord struck the people with a very mighty blow.
34 He named that place Kivroth Hata’avah [Graves of Craving], for there they buried the people who craved.
35 From Kivroth Hata’avah the people traveled to Hazeroth, and they stayed in Hazeroth.
(Audio Bible)
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The book of Deuteronomy, also known as Devarim in Hebrew (“Words”), is the fifth book of the Hebrew Bible or the Christian Old Testament. It contains a series of speeches by Moses to the Israelites, just before they are about to enter the promised land, which summarize and expand upon many of the laws and commandments given in the earlier books of the Torah. The word Deuteronomy literally means “second law,” indicating that Moses is rehearsing the law with the Israelites before they enter the land.
The book is often seen as a sort of farewell address by Moses, containing some of his final instructions and blessings to the people he has led for many years. It emphasizes the importance of following G-d’s commandments and remaining faithful to Him, while warning against the dangers of disobedience and idolatry. Overall, Deuteronomy serves as a significant text in the history of Judaism and Christianity, containing many of the foundational beliefs and values of these religions.

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