Walk Humbly
Micah On Leaders Doing Evil Deeds
The same is true with prophets misleading people in teaching teachings not based on the word of G-d.
The product or end result is corruption!
“False Prophets”
I said, “Listen, now, you leaders of Jacob and officers of the House of Israel! Is it not up to you to know the law?
[But you] hate good and love evil; you rob [people’s] skin from upon them and their flesh from upon their bones;
Then they will cry out to Hashem, but He will not answer them; He will hide His face from them at that time, just as they had done evil with their deeds.”
Thus said Hashem about the prophets who mislead My nation, who chew with their teeth and declare peace, but whoever does not put [food] into their mouths, they prepare war against him.
The seers will be ashamed and the diviners disgraced and all of them will wear veils over their lips, for [they] had no word of God.
Her leaders judge for bribes and her Kohanim teach for a fee and her prophets divine for money — yet they rely on Hashem, saying, ‘Behold, Hashem is in our midst; no evil can befall us!’
1 And I said: Hearken now, you heads of Jacob and officers of the house of Israel! Is it not incumbent upon you to know the judgment?
2 Those who hate good and love evil-who rob their skin from upon them and their flesh from upon their bones,
3 and who ate the flesh of My people and flayed their skin from upon them, and opened their bones and broke them, as in a pot, and like meat within a cauldron
4 then they shall cry out to the Lord, but He shall not respond to them; and He shall hide His countenance from them at that time, as they wrought evil with their works.
5 So said the Lord concerning the prophets who mislead my people, who bite with their teeth and herald peace, but concerning whomever does not give into their mouth, they prepare war.
6 Therefore, it shall be night for you because of the vision, and it shall be dark for you because of the divination, and the sun shall set on the prophets, and the day shall be darkened about them.
7 And the seers shall be ashamed, and the diviners shall be disgraced, and they shall all cover their upper lips, for it is not a statement of God.
8 But I am truly full of strength from the spirit of the Lord and justice and might, to tell Jacob his transgression and Israel his sin.
9 Hearken now to this, you heads of the house of Jacob and you rulers of the house of Israel, who condemn justice and pervert all that is straight.
10 Each one builds Zion with blood and Jerusalem with injustice.
11 Its heads judge for bribes, and its priests teach for a price; and its prophets divine for money, and they rely on the Lord, saying, “Is not the Lord in our midst? No evil shall befall us.”
12 Therefore, because of you, Zion shall be plowed as a field; Jerusalem shall become heaps, and the Temple Mount like the high places of a forest.
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