Leviticus (Vayikra in Hebrew), the third book in the Torah (First five books of Moses). Vayikra or Leviticus means “And G-d Called.”
Be enlightened in this book, that G-d is holy. Thus, requires him who comes or approaches G-d must be holy. Given this instruction, the Kohanim (Priests) are called to be intermediaries between G-d and the Children of Israel.
Offerings or sacrifices are elaborated in great lengths in the entire book of Leviticus. Now, does this aligns with how Jesus was offered? Let’s find out…
Chapter 8
Leviticus Chapter 8 Focuses on the Kohanim (Priests)
Verses After Verses And Chapters After Chapters
In plain words it is repeatedly written that only Aaron and his sons (High Priest/Priests) are the only appointed people to make atonement with offering/sacrifice to Hashem
*You must know by now that Roman soldiers, Cross and Calvary are not commanded by G-d. Worst, a human sacrifice (Jesus).
Decide to only serve the One True G-d? Or still insist or pretend innocent to follow blindly what the Greek book – New Testament is teaching?
“Consecration of the Kohanim (Priests)”
“Aaron’s Immersion, Investiture and Anointment”
“The Sin-offering Bull”
“The Inauguration Ram”
“Seven Days of Inauguration”
Hashem spoke to Moses, saying: Take Aaron and his sons with him, and the garments and the oil of anointment, and the bull of the sin-offering, and the two rams, and the basket of matzos.
Moses did as Hashem commanded him; …
Moses brought Aaron and his sons forward and he immersed them in water.
… as Hashem had commanded Moses.
:9, 13, 17, 21 & 29
Moses took the oil of anointment and anointed the Tabernacle and everything within it; thus he sanctified them.
He poured from the oil of anointment upon Aaron’s head, and he anointed him to sanctify him.
Moses brought the sons of Aaron forward, he dressed them in Tunics and girdled [each of] them with a Sash and wrapped the Headdresses upon them, as Hashem had commanded Moses.
He brought forward the sin-offering bull; Aaron and his sons leaned their hands upon the head of the sin-offering bull.
He slaughtered it, and Moses took the blood and placed it on the horns of the Altar, all around, with his forefinger, and he purified the Altar; he poured the [remaining] blood upon the base of the Altar and he sanctified it to provide atonement for it.
Then he brought near the second ram, the inauguration ram, and Aaron and his sons leaned their hands upon the head of the ram.
He slaughtered it, and Moses took some of its blood and placed it upon the middle part of Aaron’s right ear, upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the big toe of his right foot.
He brought the sons of Aaron forward, and Moses put some blood upon the middle part of their right ear, upon the thumb of their right hand and upon the big toe of their right foot; and Moses threw the [remaining] blood upon the Altar, all around.
You shall not leave the entrance of the Tent of Meeting for seven days, until the day when your days of inauguration are completed; for you shall be inaugurated for a seven-day period.
As he did on this day, so Hashem had commanded to be done to provide atonement for you.
At the entrance of the Tent of Meeting shall you dwell day and night for a seven-day period, and you shall protect Hashem’s charge so that you will not die; for so have I been commanded.
Aaron and his sons carried out all the matters that Hashem commanded through Moses.
1 And this is the law of the guilt offering. It is a holy of holies.
2 They shall slaughter the guilt offering in the place where they slaughter the burnt offering; and its blood shall be dashed upon the altar, around.
3 And all of its fat he shall offer from it: the tail and the fat covering the innards,
4 and the two kidneys [along] with the fat that is upon them, which is on the flanks, and the diaphragm with the liver; along with the kidneys he shall remove it.
5 And the kohen shall cause them to [go up in] smoke on the altar as a fire offering to the Lord. It is a guilt offering.
6 Any male among the kohanim may eat it; it shall be eaten in a holy place. It is a holy of holies.
7 Like the sin offering, so is the guilt offering, they have one law; the kohen who effects atonement through it to him it shall belong.
8 And the kohen who offers up a person’s burnt offering, the skin of the burnt offering which he has offered up, belongs to the kohen; it shall be his.
9 And any meal offering baked in an oven, and any one made in a deep pan or in a shallow pan, belongs to the kohen who offers it up; it shall be his.
10 And any meal offering mixed with oil or dry, shall belong to all the sons of Aaron, one like the other.
11 And this is the law of the peace offering, which he shall bring to the Lord.
12 If he is bringing it as a thanksgiving offering, he shall offer, along with the thanksgiving offering unleavened loaves mixed with oil, unleavened wafers anointed with oil, and scalded flour mixed with oil.
13 Along with loaves of leavened bread, he shall bring his offering along with his thanksgiving peace offering.
14 And he shall bring from it one out of each offering, as a separation for the Lord; the kohen who dashes the blood of the peace offering it shall be his.
15 And the flesh of his thanksgiving peace offering shall be eaten on the day it is offered up; he shall not leave any of it over until morning.
16 But if his sacrifice is a vow or a voluntary donation, on the day he offers up his sacrifice it may be eaten, and on the next day, whatever is left over from it, may be eaten.
17 However, whatever is left over from the flesh of the sacrifice on the third day, shall be burnt in fire.
18 And if any of the flesh of his peace offering is to be eaten on the third day, it shall not be accepted; it shall not count for the one who offers it; [rather,] it shall be rejected, and the person who eats of it shall bear his sin.
19 And the flesh that touches anything unclean shall not be eaten. It shall be burned in fire. But regarding the flesh, anyone who is clean may eat [the] flesh.
20 A person who eats the flesh of a peace offering of the Lord, while his uncleanness is upon him, that soul shall be cut off from its people.
21 And a person who touches anything unclean, whether uncleanness from a human or an unclean animal [carcass] or any unclean [carcass of an] abominable creature, and then eats of the flesh of a peace offering to the Lord, that soul shall be cut off from its people.
22 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
23 Speak to the Children of Israel, saying: You shall not eat any fat of an ox, sheep, or goat.
24 The fat of carrion and the fat of an animal with a fatal disease or injury, may be used for any work, but you shall not eat it.
25 For anyone who eats fat of animals from which sacrifices are brought as fire offerings to the Lord, the soul who eats [it] shall be cut off from its people.
26 And you shall not eat any blood in any of your dwelling places, whether from birds or from animals.
27 Any person who eats any blood, that soul shall be cut off from its people.
28 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
29 Speak to the Children of Israel, saying: Anyone who brings his peace offering to the Lord, shall bring his sacrifice to the Lord from his peace offering.
30 His own hands shall bring the fire offerings of the Lord. The fat, on the breast, he shall bring it, the breast, to wave it as a waving before the Lord.
31 And the kohen shall cause the fat to [go up in] smoke on the altar, and the breast shall belong to Aaron and his sons.
32 And you shall give the right thigh as an elevation offering to the kohen, from your peace offering.
33 [Anyone] of the sons of Aaron who offers up the blood of the peace offering and the fat he shall have the right thigh as a portion.
34 For I have taken the breast of the waving and the thigh of the elevation from the children of Israel, from their peace offerings, and I have given them to Aaron the kohen and to his sons as an eternal statute, from the children of Israel.
35 This is [the grant for] Aaron’s anointment and his sons’ anointment, from the fire offerings of the Lord, on the day that He brought them near, to be kohanim for the Lord.
36 Which the Lord commanded to give them on the day that He anointed them, from the children of Israel. [This is] an eternal statute for their generations.
37 This is the law for the burnt offering, for the meal offering, and for the sin offering, and for the guilt offering, and for the investitures, and for the peace offering,
38 which the Lord commanded Moses on Mount Sinai, on the day He commanded the children of Israel to offer up their sacrifices to the Lord in the Sinai Desert.
(Audio Bible)
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The book of Deuteronomy, also known as Devarim in Hebrew (“Words”), is the fifth book of the Hebrew Bible or the Christian Old Testament. It contains a series of speeches by Moses to the Israelites, just before they are about to enter the promised land, which summarize and expand upon many of the laws and commandments given in the earlier books of the Torah. The word Deuteronomy literally means “second law,” indicating that Moses is rehearsing the law with the Israelites before they enter the land.
The book is often seen as a sort of farewell address by Moses, containing some of his final instructions and blessings to the people he has led for many years. It emphasizes the importance of following G-d’s commandments and remaining faithful to Him, while warning against the dangers of disobedience and idolatry. Overall, Deuteronomy serves as a significant text in the history of Judaism and Christianity, containing many of the foundational beliefs and values of these religions.

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