Vayikra in Hebrew
The book of Leviticus, or Vayikra, is primarily concerned with the laws of the animal and grain sacrifices in the Temple, the duties and rights of Kohanim (priests), and the laws of ritual purity and impurity. The book emphasizes the need for the Israelites to approach God in a state of holiness and offers detailed instructions for achieving and maintaining ritual purity.
Additionally, Leviticus contains the story of the death of Aaron’s two sons, Nadav and Avihu, who offered “strange fire” before the Lord and were consumed by divine fire. The book concludes with blessings for following God’s laws and punishments for disobedience.
Through the laws of sacrifice and ritual purity, Leviticus teaches the importance of maintaining a relationship with God and the need to constantly strive for holiness. The book emphasizes the role of the Kohanim as intermediaries between God and the Israelites and underscores the significance of following God’s commandments.
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