“Christianity did not convert Rome. But Rome converted Christianity”


  1. Virgin birth.
  2. Baptism.
  3. Son of G-d.
  4. G-d Incarnated to become a man.
  5. Crucified, died, buried and after three days rose again.
  6. Second Coming & Anti-christ

I do not mean to offend you, but the TRUTH is (that some already know) , none of these as referring to Jesus is prophesied, commanded or spoken by G-d.

What is worse, not even to His people or prophets was this communicated.

Do not believe me, but allow me to tell you in detail as brief as possible.

  1. Virgin birth – Isaiah 7:14. First, this verse is manipulated from present tense “is with a child or pregnant” to future tense “will or shall conceive.” Second, (as new copies of Christian Bible versions corrected it) the Hebrew word does not mean “virgin” but “young woman.” Third, from Matthew to Revelation Jesus was never called Em or Immanuel.
  2. Baptism – as NT teaches that Jesus is perfect and without sin, why is there a need for him to be baptized? (Matthew 3:2-11)
  3. Son of G-d – Hosea 11:1 and Exodus 4:22-23 very clearly say that “the Son of G-d” is Israel; there is no mention of Jesus, as Matthew 2:15 misquoted.
  4. G-d Incarnated to become a man – this is a very huge mistake. G-d can never take any visible form. This is what He hates the most – idol worship. Moreover, He cannot be a man. Read the whole of Hebrew Scripture or Old Testament (Deuteronomy 4:12; 15-19, Numbers 23:19, 1 Samuel 15:29, Hosea 11:9 and more…)
  5. Crucified, died, buried and after three days rose again – Zero. Later on we will find out where did this came from. Yes, Paul made this claim in 1 Corinthians 15:3-4, but the verses are as usual out-of-context.
  6. Second Coming & Anti-Christ – Jewish Messiah has no second coming mentioned in the Hebrew Scriptures. What more, Anti-Christ do not exist at all.

Again, do not believe any of  these. If you are serious about your faith in G-d, He will reveal to you the Truth according to what He had spoken in His holy language – Hebrew; not in Greek.

“KNOWING Jesus V” is next!


You may also watch “The Purpose Of Life” here:  Video > Scriptures

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