Kesuvim (Writings)
Kesuvim is a significant part of the Tanach, or the Hebrew Bible, wrapping up the holy book with a plethora of valuable information. This section that contains eleven books has numerous genres in the form of poetry, wisdom, and historical narrative, each contributing to the essential message of the Tanach. The word “Kesuvim” means “Writings” or “Scriptures,” and it is also referred to as the “Hagiographa,” representing its significant stance in Judaism. The Kesuvim section’s books were composed over an extended period from the 10th century BCE to the 2nd century BCE.
The books of Kesuvim are highly considered sacred texts in the Jewish community and are read during numerous religious ceremonies and holidays, including Psalms, Proverbs, Job, Song of Songs, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, Esther, Daniel, Ezra, and Chronicles. Its conclusion features the Biblical message of divine providence and highlights the wonders of creation that continue to inspire and influence countless individuals to this day.

Tehillim (Psalms)
Mishlei (Proverbs)
Iyov (Job)
Shir Hashirim (Song of Songs)

Rut (Ruth)
Nechemiah (Nehemiah)

Divrei Hayamim I (I Chronicles)
Divrei Hayamim II (II Chronicles)
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Yehoshua – Joshua
Shoftim – Judges
Shmuel I – I Samuel
Shmuel II – II Samuel
Melachim I – I Kings
Melachim II – II Kings
Yeshayahu – Isaiah
Yirmiyahu – Jeremiah
Yechezkel – Ezekiel
Hoshea – Hosea
Yoel – Joel
Ovadiah – Obadiah
Yonah – Jonah
Michah – Micah
Nachum – Nahum
Chavakuk – Habakkuk
Tzefaniah – Zephaniah
Chaggai – Haggai
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Hebrew-Jewish Scripture Based
Genesis to II Chronicles
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