Judges chronicles the history of the Israelites during the period between the conquest of the Land of Israel and the establishment of the monarchy. It contains accounts of the heroic deeds of various judges who led and rescued the Israelites from their enemies.
The book also provides valuable insights into the spiritual and moral challenges faced by the Israelites during that time. The cycle of sin is clearly seen in the book of Judges (Shoftim in Hebrew).
Chapter 5
Judges Chapter 5 Shares the Root Cause of Israel’s Distress — Idol Worship
When They Chose New G-ds… v. 8
Here you can clearly learn how righteous people truly give glory to G-d, and not themselves.
But what is crucial is that, idol worship (worship of other gods – Jesus and the likes), is one main reason that causes G-d’s wrath against His people – the Jews.
“The Song of Deborah”
Deborah sang — as well as Barak son of Abinoam — on that day, saying:
When vengeances are inflicted upon Israel and the people dedicates itself [to God] — bless Hashem.
Hear, O kings; give ear, O princes! I, to Hashem shall I sing; I shall sing praise to Hashem, God of Israel!
Mountains melted before Hashem — as did Sinai — before Hashem, the God of Israel.
They stopped living in unwalled towns in Israel, they stopped; until I, Deborah, arose; I arose as a mother in Israel.
When it chose new gods, war came to its gates; was even a shield or a spear seen among forty thousand in Israel?
My heart is with the lawgivers of Israel who are devoted to the people, [saying,] “Bless Hashem.”
Now the survivor dominates the mightiest of the people; Hashem has given me dominion over the strong ones.
“Curse Meroz.” said the angel of Hashem, “Curse! Curse are its inhabitants, for they failed to come to aid [the nation of] Hashem, to aid [the nation of] Hashem against the mighty.”
Blessed by women is Jael, wife of Heber the Kenite; by women in the tent will she blessed.
So may all your enemies be destroyed, O Hashem! And let those who love Him be like the powerfully rising sun. And the land was tranquil for forty years.
1 On that day Deborah and Barak son of Abinoam sang:
2 When locks go untrimmed in Israel, When people dedicate themselves— Bless the LORD!
3 Hear, O kings! Give ear, O potentates! I will sing, will sing to the LORD, Will hymn the LORD, the God of Israel.
4 O LORD, when You came forth from Seir, Advanced from the country of Edom, The earth trembled; The heavens dripped, Yea, the clouds dripped water,
5 The mountains quaked— Before the LORD, Him of Sinai, Before the LORD, God of Israel.
6 In the days of Shamgar son of Anath, In the days of Jael, caravans ceased, And wayfarers went By roundabout paths.
7 Deliverance ceased, Ceased in Israel, Till you arose, O Deborah, Arose, O mother, in Israel!
8 When they chose new gods, Was there a fighter then in the gates? No shield or spear was seen Among forty thousand in Israel!
9 My heart is with Israel’s leaders, With the dedicated of the people— Bless the LORD!
10 You riders on tawny she-asses, You who sit on saddle rugs, And you wayfarers, declare it!
11 Louder than the sound of archers, There among the watering places Let them chant the gracious acts of the LORD, His gracious deliverance of Israel. Then did the people of the LORD March down to the gates!
12 Awake, awake, O Deborah! Awake, awake, strike up the chant! Arise, O Barak; Take your captives, O son of Abinoam!
13 Then was the remnant made victor over the mighty, The LORD’s people won my victory over the warriors.
14 From Ephraim came they whose roots are in Amalek; After you, your kin Benjamin; From Machir came down leaders, From Zebulun such as hold the marshal’s staff.
15 And Issachar’s chiefs were with Deborah; As Barak, so was Issachar— Rushing after him into the valley. Among the clans of Reuben Were great decisions of heart.
16 Why then did you stay among the sheepfolds And listen as they pipe for the flocks? Among the clans of Reuben Were great searchings of heart!
17 Gilead tarried beyond the Jordan; And Dan—why did he linger by the ships? Asher remained at the seacoast And tarried at his landings.
18 Zebulun is a people that mocked at death, Naphtali—on the open heights.
19 Then the kings came, they fought: The kings of Canaan fought At Taanach, by Megiddo’s waters— They got no spoil of silver.
20 The stars fought from heaven, From their courses they fought against Sisera.
21 The torrent Kishon swept them away, The raging torrent, the torrent Kishon. March on, my soul, with courage!
22 Then the horses’ hoofs pounded As headlong galloped the steeds.
23 “Curse Meroz!” said the angel of the LORD. “Bitterly curse its inhabitants, Because they came not to the aid of the LORD, To the aid of the LORD among the warriors.”
24 Most blessed of women be Jael, Wife of Heber the Kenite, Most blessed of women in tents.
25 He asked for water, she offered milk; In a princely bowl she brought him curds.
26 Her [left] hand reached for the tent pin, Her right for the workmen’s hammer. She struck Sisera, crushed his head, Smashed and pierced his temple.
27 At her feet he sank, lay outstretched, At her feet he sank, lay still; Where he sank, there he lay—destroyed.
28 Through the window peered Sisera’s mother, Behind the lattice she whined: “Why is his chariot so long in coming? Why so late the clatter of his wheels?”
29 The wisest of her ladies give answer; She, too, replies to herself:
30 “They must be dividing the spoil they have found: A damsel or two for each man, Spoil of dyed cloths for Sisera, Spoil of embroidered cloths, A couple of embroidered cloths Round every neck as spoil.”
31 So may all Your enemies perish, O LORD! But may His friends be as the sun rising in might! And the land was tranquil forty years.
(Audio Bible)
Observe and Remember G-d's Commandments
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