On Daily Holy Bible Reading
Jonah (Yonah in Hebrew), not inclined to proclaim salvation to Nineveh, he decided to escape from what G-d commanded him to do.
It took a big fish to first swallow Jonah for him to carry out his mission.
In Accordance With G-d's Word
Jonah Knowing G-d’s Graciousness, Mercy, Slow To Anger And Abundant In Kindness
But he turned out to be displeased of Nineveh’s repentance in contrast with Israel’s stubbornness.
Moreover, G-d provided him a practical example with the plant, worm and sunlight. For him to have a full understanding of G-d’s principle and move.
“Jonah’s Grief”
And it displeased Jonah greatly and angered him.
Because of this I had hastened to flee to Tashish for l knew that You are a gracious and merciful God, slow to anger, abundant in kindness, and relent from doing harm.
So now, Hashem, please take my soul from me, for better is my death than my life.
Hashem God, designated a kikayon, which rose up above Jonah to form a shade over his head, to relieve him from his discomfort. Jonah rejoiced over the kikayon, a great joy.
Then God designated a worm at the dawn of the next day, and it attacked the kikayon so that it withered.
Hashem said, “You took pity on the kikayon for which you did not labor, nor did you make it grow; it lived [one] night and perished after one night.
And I — shall I not take pity upon Nineveh the great city, in which there are more than a hundred and twenty thousand persons who do not know their right hand from their left, and many animals as well?”
1 Now it displeased Jonah exceedingly, and he was grieved.
2 And he prayed to the Lord and said, “Please, O Lord, was this not my contention while I was still on my land? For this reason I had hastened to flee to Tarshish, for I know that You are a gracious and merciful God, slow to anger, with much kindness, and relenting of evil.
3 And now, O Lord, take now my soul from me, for my death is better than my life.”
4 And the Lord said: Are you deeply grieved?
5 And Jonah had gone out of the city, and had stationed himself on the east of the city, and there he made himself a hut and sat under it in the shade until he would see what would happen in the city.
6 Now the Lord God appointed a kikayon, and it grew up over Jonah to be shade over his head, to save him from his discomfort, and Jonah was overjoyed with the kikayon.
7 Now God appointed a worm at the rise of dawn on the morrow, and the worm attacked the kikayon, and it withered.
8 Now it came to pass when the sun shone, that God appointed a stilling east wind, and the sun beat on Jonah’s head, and he fainted, and he begged to die, and he said, “My death is better than my life.”
9 And God said to Jonah; Are you very grieved about the kikayon? And he said, “I am very grieved even to death.”
10 And the Lord said: You took pity on the kikayon, for which you did not toil nor did you make it grow, which one night came into being and the next night perished.
11 Now should I not take pity on Nineveh, the great city, in which there are many more than one hundred twenty thousand people who do not know their right hand from their left, and many beasts as well?
Fear Hashem
He succeeded in causing the inhabitants of Nineveh to sincerely repent of their evil ways. G-d spared Nineveh because of their repentance.
But it displeased Jonah. Since Nineveh is one of Israel’s bitter enemies.
Along G-d made a plant to grow and wither. So that Jonah would have a better understanding about sincere repentance and Nineveh.
G-d is merciful to all who return to Him sincerely.
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