Why | The Wicked
Job Knowing How Majestic And Grandeur G-d Is
To argue with G-d is futility
Cannot be clearer that no one can escape G-d in the end.
Not knowing the Truth about Him, and/or ignoring Him will have serious consequences.
Seek the true meaning of life.
Not fame. Neither fortune. Nor vacation. Worst, worshipping G-d the Son, Triune G-d or 3-in-1 G-d. For these all are against what G-d has spoken to His servants the prophets.
“Job’s Response To Bildad”
It is He Who uproots mountains and [people] do not know, when He overturns them in His anger,
Who shakes the earth from its place, and its pillars tremble;
Who alone stretches out the heavens, and treads upon the crests of the sea;
Who performs great deeds that are beyond comprehension, and wonders beyond number.
If He would suddenly strike, who could restrain Him? Who could say to Him, ‘What are You doing?
Could I, then, answer Him, or choose to argue with Him?
I will be found guilty, so why should I weary myself for nothing?
For You are not a mortal as I am, whom I could answer, so that we could go together for judgment.
1 Then Job replied and said,
2 “Indeed, I know that it is so, but why should a man be righteous with God?
3 If he would wish to contend with Him He would not answer him one out of a thousand.
4 He is wise in heart and mighty in strength; who hardened [his heart] against Him and remained whole?
5 He Who moved mountains but they knew not that He had overturned them in His wrath;
6 He Who causes the earth to quake from its place, and its pillars shudder;
7 He Who spoke to the sun and it did not shine, and He sealed up the stars;
8 He Who alone stretched out the heavens and treads on the high places of the sea;
9 He Who made the Bear, Orion, and the Pleiades, and the chambers of the south;
10 He Who performs great deeds without limit, and wonders until they have no number
11 Behold, He goes by me but I do not see [Him]; and He passes but I do not perceive Him.
12 Behold, He strikes suddenly, and who can hold Him back; who will say to Him, ‘What are You doing?’
13 God will not hold back His wrath; all the helpers of Rahab stoop under Him.
14 Surely, that I should answer Him; that I should choose my words with Him.
15 For if I am right, I will not reply; will I supplicate my Judge?
16 If I call and He answers me, I will not believe that He would hearken to my voice
17 He Who would crush me with a tempest and multiply my wounds for nought;
18 He Who would not let me catch my breath, for he would sate me with bitterness.
19 If it is a trial of strength- behold He is mighty; and if of judgment-who will summon me?
20 If I am innocent, my mouth will condemn me; if blameless, it will make me crooked.
21 I am blameless, but I do not know how to find rest; I despise my life.
22 It is all one; therefore I said, ‘He destroys both the innocent and the wicked.’
23 If the scourge kills suddenly, he will mock at the calamity of the innocent.
24 The earth has been given into the hands of a wicked one; he covers the faces of its judges. If not, then who is he?
25 My days are swifter than a runner; they fled, they saw no good.
26 They passed with the ships of Ebeh, like an eagle that swoops upon food.
27 If I say, ‘Let me forget my complaint, I will abandon my anger and restrain myself.’
28 I will gather in all my sadness, I know that You will not declare me innocent.
29 If I am wicked, why should I toil in vain?
30 I washed myself with snow water and cleansed my hands with purity.
31 Then You will plunge me in the ditch, and my garments shall abhor me.
32 For He is not man like me, that I should answer Him, ‘Let us come together in debate.’
33 There is no arbiter between us, who will place his hand on both of us.
34 Let Him take His rod off me, and let His terror not frighten me.
35 I will speak and I will not fear Him, for I am not so with myself.
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