Why | The Wicked
Job On Arrogance Against G-d
No matter how unfair occurrences and/or situations may be, no one has the right to question (let alone argue with) G-d.
G-d can never be wrong on how he regulates the world and the whole universe.
“G-d Rebukes Job”
“Can one who contends with the Almighty be arrogant? …
“Behold, I am deficient; what can I answer You? I place my hand against my mouth!
Gird your loins like a warrior! I will ask, and you answer Me!
Will you also discredit My judgment? Will you declare Me wrong in order to make yourself right?!
See every haughty one and humble him; crush the wicked in their places.
1 Now the Lord answered Job and said,
2 “Will one who contends with the Almighty make himself master? He who argues with God, let him answer it.”
3 Now Job answered the Lord and said,
4 “Behold I am of small account; what shall I answer You? I put my hand to my mouth.
5 I said one [thing] and I will not answer, and two, and I will not add.
6 Now the Lord answered Job from a tempest and said,
7 “Now gird your loins like a man; I will ask you and [you] tell Me.
8 Will you even make void My judgment? Will you condemn Me in order that you be justified?
9 Do you have an arm like God, or do you thunder like Him with [your] voice?
10 Bedeck yourself now with pride and excellence, and clothe yourself with glory and beauty.
11 Scatter your raging anger, see any haughty man and humble him.
12 See any haughty man and subdue him, and crush the wicked in their place.
13 Hide them in the dust together; bind up their faces in a hidden place.
14 I too will confess to you that your right hand will save you.
15 Behold now the behemoth that I have made with you; he eats grass like cattle.
16 Behold now his strength is in his loins and his power is in the navel of his belly.
17 His tail hardens like a cedar; the sinews of his testicles are knit together.
18 His limbs are as strong as copper, his bones as a load of iron.
19 His is the first of God’s ways; [only] his Maker can draw His sword [against him].
20 For the mountains bear food for him, and all the beasts of the field play there.
21 Does he lie under the shadows, in the covert of the reeds and the swamp?
22 Do the shadows cover him as his shadow? Do the willows of the brook surround him?
23 Behold, he plunders the river, and [he] does not harden; he trusts that he will draw the Jordan into his mouth.
24 With His eyes He will take him; with snares He will puncture his nostrils.
25 Can you pull the leviathan with a harpoon, or press down his tongue with a rope?
26 Can you insert a fishhook into his nose, or pierce his jaw with a barb?
27 Will he offer much supplication to you, or will he speak soft words to you?
28 Will he make a covenant with you? Will you take him as a lifelong slave?
29 Will you play with him like a bird or tie him to your maidens?
30 Will charmers dig pits for him? Will they divide him among the merchants?
31 Will you fulfill [your desire] to make a tent of his skin or a shade of fishes of his head?
32 Put your hand over him; remember the battle, do not stop.
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