Why | The Wicked
Job On His Friends’ Opinion And Advice
Who can question G-d?
Sin will harvest its consequence of punishment.
If you do not agree with His ways, are you more than Him?
“Eliphaz’s First Speech”
“G-d’s Way With Man”
Behold, was your fear [of God] not your foolishness, and so too your hope and the wholesomeness of your ways?
As I have seen, those who plow iniquity and sow injustice harvest them.
By the breath of God, they perish; by the wind of His anger, they expire.
“Can a mortal man be more righteous than God? Can a man be purer than his Maker?
They are ground down from morning to evening; without contemplation, they are lost forever.
1 Now Eliphaz the Temanite raised his voice and said,
2 “Because He tested you with [one] thing, should you weary? Who can withhold words?
3 Behold, you have chastised many, and you have strengthened weak hands.
4 Your words would pick up the stumbler, and you would strengthen buckling knees.
5 Now when it comes to you, you weary; it touches you and you are frightened.
6 Surely, your fear was your foolishness, your hope and the sincerity of your ways.
7 Remember now, who was innocent that perished, and where were the upright destroyed?
8 As I have seen, those who plow violence and sow mischief will reap it.
9 From the breath of God they will perish, and from the wind of His nostrils they will be destroyed.
10 The roar of an old lion, the voice of a young lion, and the teeth of lion cubs were misled.
11 A lion perishes without prey, and the young of the lion will scatter.
12 Now a word was conveyed secretly to me, and my ear grasped a bit of it.
13 In the thoughts of the visions of night, when slumber falls on people,
14 terror and quaking befell me, and He frightened most of my bones.
15 And a spirit passed by my face; it made the hair of my flesh stand on end.
16 It was standing, but I did not recognize its appearance, this image before my eyes; I heard a faint voice.
17 Can a mortal be more righteous than God, or can a man be purer than his Maker?
18 Behold, He does not trust His servants and He casts reproach upon His angels.
19 Surely those who dwell in mud houses, whose foundation is in dust; they crush them before the worms.
20 From morning to evening they are crushed without giving [a thought]; they perish to eternity.
21 Their haughtiness, which is absorbed within them-does it not leave [them]? They die, and not with wisdom.
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