Why | The Wicked
Job Just Before G-d Speaks
A preview of how magnificent G-d is.
Are you better than G-d?
Read or listen to find out if that makes Him glad.
“G-d’s Ways”
God thunders marvelously with His voice; He does wonders that we do not comprehend.
He seals [a judgment] with the hand of every man, so that all people He has made may know.
Good reasons direct its movements, cunningly it pursues its tasks, according to [man’s] deeds, however He commands them, upon the inhabited surface of the earth.
Do you know how God imposes upon [the clouds], and how He makes His rain-cloud appear?
Did you stretch out the heavens with Him, to be as strong as a molten mirror?
… — for He is not impressed with those who are wise of heart.
1 From this too does my heart quake and spring from its place.
2 Hear attentively the noise of His voice and the sound that emanates from His mouth.
3 Beneath the entire heaven I have seen it, and His light is upon the ends of the earth.
4 In its wake, a voice roars; it thunders with the voice of its pride, and He will not cut them off for his voice will be heard.
5 God thunders with His voice wondrous [thunders]; He performs great deeds, but we do not know.
6 For He says to the snow, ‘Be upon the earth’; likewise to the shower of rain and to the showers of His mighty rain.
7 By the hand of every man he seals so that every man should know his deed.
8 The beasts go into ambush, and in their dens they dwell.
9 From the Chamber comes a tempest, and from Mezarim the cold.
10 From the breath of God He gives forth ice and the breadth of waters in a flood.
11 Aph Beri burdens the cloud; he scatters His rain cloud.
12 And he turns around in circuits by His guidance for their work; whatever He commands them upon the face of the habitable world,
13 Whether for the rod, whether for His land, or for kindness that He cause it to come.
14 Hearken to this, Job; stand still and ponder the wonders of God.
15 Do you know how God places upon them and the rain of His cloud appears?
16 Do you know about the revelations of the clouds, of the wonders of Him Who is perfect in knowledge?
17 How your garments are warm when the earth is silenced from the south wind?
18 Did you spread out the skies with Him, which are as strong as a molten mirror?
19 Let us know what we shall say to Him; we cannot set up [judgment] because of darkness.
20 Need it be told to Him when I speak, or need a man tell what is kept a secret?
21 And now, they did not see the rain; it is [like] bright [clouds] in the skies, and a wind came and cleared them away.
22 Gold[en splendor] comes from the north; on God there is an awesome glory.
23 We have not found the Almighty great in power, and with judgment and much righteousness He does not afflict.
24 Therefore, men fear Him; He does not look upon any wise of heart.”
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