Why | The Wicked
Job On Elihu’s View About Who G- d Is And His Ways
Justice delayed is not justice denied in the ways of G-d.
“Free will” is one of the greatest gifts to mankind from G-d.
Thus, if justice is served instantaneously, it invalidates free will.
“Divine Discipline”
I will raise my knowledge from afar, I will ascribe righteousness to my Maker.
… [God] is perfect in His knowledge of you.
He will not keep the wicked alive; He will grant justice to the poor.
He will not remove His eyes from righteous man until he is on the throne with kings; He will seat them [there] forever and they will become exalted.
He opened their ears to discipline, and said that they should turn back from wrongdoing.
If they will listen and serve [Him], then they will finish their days in goodness and their years in pleasantness.
But if they will not listen, they will pass away by the sword and expire for lack of knowledge.
And those with insincere hearts will bring on [God’s] anger; they should not cry out [to Him] when He afflicts them.
He has led you out, as well, from a constricted entrance, into a broad place with no narrowness at its bottom, so that your table might be full of rich foods.
Behold, God is mightier than we can know; the number of His years is beyond calculation.
1Then Elihu continued and said,
2 “Wait awhile for me and I will tell you, for God has more words.
3 I will take up my knowledge from afar, and to my Maker I will ascribe righteousness.
4 For indeed, my words are not false; you have perfect knowledge.
5 Behold God is great and will not despise; He is great in strength of heart.
6 He does not preserve the life of the wicked, but He gives the poor their right.
7 He does not withdraw His eyes from the righteous, and with kings on the throne He seats them to eternity and they are exalted.
8 And if they are bound with chains, are caught with ropes of poverty,
9 He tells them their deed and their transgressions, for they increase.
10 He opens their ears to discipline and commands that they repent of iniquity.
11 If they understand and worship [Him], they will complete their days with goodness and their years with pleasantness.
12 And if they do not take heed, they will pass away by the sword and perish because of lack of knowledge.
13 But the wicked of heart bring about wrath; they do not beg mercy when He binds them.
14 Their soul shall die by strangulation, and their living spirit among the profligate.
15 He extricates a poor man in his poverty and opens their ear through oppression.
16 Moreover, it allured you from the narrow mouth, that is wide, not cramped below; and the bedecking of your table shall be full of fatness.
17 And if you have had your fill of the sentence of the wicked, the judgment and the sentence will support [you].
18 For [there shall be] wrath, lest it entice you to multiply [words], and great ransom will not turn you away.
19 Will you set up your prayer so that no trouble [befall you], nor any forces of strength?
20 Do not yearn for the night when peoples are taken away [as they stand] in their place.
21 Beware, do not turn to iniquity, for you chose this over poverty.
22 Behold God deals loftily in His power; who is a teacher like Him?
23 Who charged Him with His way, and who said, ‘You have performed an injustice’?
24 Mention [this] for you will magnify His work, which men have seen.
25 All men have seen it; mortal man looks from afar.
26 Behold God is great and we do not know; the number of His years is unfathomable.
27 For He increases drops of water; they pour rain into His cloud.
28 That the heavens drip; yea, they drip because of a great man.
29 Or will one understand the spreading of a cloud, the darkness of His pavilion?
30 Behold He spread His rain over it, and He covered the roots of the sea.
31 For He judges the nations therewith; He gives food to one who has many [children].
32 Over the clouds He covers the rain, and He commands it through one who prays.
33 Their beloved one preaches to them; [this is] the acquisition, for it also ascends on high.
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