Why | The Wicked
Job Mentions How He Conducts Himself With Others
His obedience to G-d’s commandments, especially doing charity and acts of kindness.
Not trusting in his wealth, like rich people do.
Learn from this chapter. Reasons why Job was blessed by G-d in his end; more than his beginning.
“Job Recounts His Righteous Deeds To All”
Behold, calamity is for a perverse person; disaster for those who commit iniquity.
Does He not see my ways and count all my footsteps, whether I went with falsehood or if my feet hurried to deceit?
Let Him weigh me in the scales of righteousness; then God would know of my integrity.
If my heart was [ever] seduced over a woman, or if I ever lay in wait at my neighbor’s door,
Did not the One Who made me in the belly make him too? Was it not the One Who prepared us in the womb?
Never did I withhold the needs of the destitute, nor did I let a widow’s eyes long in vain,
nor did I eat my bread in solitude, so that an orphan could not eat from it.
For the fear of God’s punishment was upon me, and I could not bear His burden.
Or, if I ever rejoiced at the downfall of my enemy or enthused when misfortune befell him,
for I did not let my palate sin, to request his life with a curse.
No sojourner ever slept outside; I opened my doors to the street.
… my desire is for the Almighty to answer me! …
If I have ever eaten its yield without payment or embittered the soul of its owner —
then in place of wheat may thorns emerge, and in place of barley, weeds. …
1 I made a covenant with my eyes, and why should I gaze upon a virgin?
2 Now what is the portion of God from above and the heritage of the Almighty from on high?
3 Is not misfortune for the unjust and deliverance for workers of iniquity?
4 Will He not see my ways and count all my steps?
5 Whether I went with falsehood, and my foot hastened upon deceit.
6 May He weigh me with a just scale and may God know my innocence!
7 If my foot has turned away from the road and my heart has gone after my eyes and any wrong has clung to my hands,
8 may I sow and another eat, and produce be uprooted.
9 If my heart was enticed to a woman, and if I lurked at my neighbor’s doorway,
10 may my wife grind for someone else, and may others kneel over her.
11 For that is lewdness, and it is iniquity deserving punishment.
12 For it is fire; it consumes to destruction, and it uproots all my grain.
13 If I rejected the judgment of my slave or my bondwoman in their cause with me,
14 then what will I do when God arises and when He visits what will I answer Him?
15 Did not my Maker make him in the womb, and [did not] One form us both in the womb?
16 Did I refrain from the desire of the poor, or did I cause the eyes of a widow to fail?
17 Did I eat my morsel alone and did no orphan eat therefrom?
18 For, from my youth it raised me like a father, and from my mother’s womb I led it.
19 Did I see a person perishing without a garment or that a needy person had no covering?
20 Did not his loins bless me, and with the fleece of my lambs [did he not] warm himself?
21 If I raised my hand against an orphan because I saw my help in the gate,
22 may my shoulder fall from its shoulder-blade and may my arm be broken from its bone.
23 For the misfortune from God is fear to me, and I cannot bear its weight.
24 If I put my hope in gold, and to jewelry I said, ‘My confidence,’
25 If I rejoiced because my wealth was great and because my hand found much;
26 If I saw light shining and the moon becoming brighter,
27 And my heart was secretly enticed, and my mouth kissed my hand,
28 this too is iniquity that bears punishment, for I would have denied God above.
29 If I rejoiced with the misfortune of my enemy, and was aroused because harm had befallen him,
30 but I did not allow my palate to sin, to ask his soul through an oath.
31 If the people of my tent did not say, ‘Who will give [us] of his flesh? We will not be sated.’
32 A stranger did not lodge outside; my doors I would open to the road.
33 Did I, like men, cover my transgressions, to conceal my iniquity in my hiding place?
34 For I would subdue a great multitude, and the most contemptible of families frighten me; yet I remain silent and do not go outside the doorway.
35 Would that I were given one who will listen to me; behold my inscription; may the Almighty bear witness for me and may my opponent write a book.
36 Would I not carry him on my shoulder, bind it to me as crowns?
37 I will tell him the number of my steps; I will draw him near, as a prince.
38 If my soil complains about me, and its furrows weep together,
39 if I consumed its strength without money, and I caused pain to its owner,
40 instead of wheat, thistles shall emerge, and instead of barley, noisome weeds. Job’s words are ended.”
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