Why | The Wicked
Job’s Full Awareness How Awesome G-d Is
This only proves that those who believe in Big Bang is out of his mind. Buying the Theory of Evolution, that all came into being by itself is just absurd.
If there is a creation, there is a creator.
And the creation has its own purpose.
What then is the purpose of life?
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“G-d’s Unparalleled Might Described By Job”
The grave is naked before Him, and there is no covering for doom;
… He suspends the earth upon nothingness;
He bundles water in His clouds, yet the could does not burst under them;
He drew a boundary around the water’s edge, until light and darkness come to an end.
With His strength He divides the ocean, and with His understanding He crushes [its] pride.
Behold, these are but the tip of His ways. What is the least we can understand about Him? Who can fathom the thunder of His mighty deeds?
1 Then Job replied and said,
2 “How have you helped the powerless, saved the one who has no strength in his arm?
3 How have you advised the one without wisdom, and plentifully declared sound knowledge?
4 Whom did you tell these words, and whose breath emerged from you?
5 Gehinnom is hollow beneath the water and its denizens.
6 Sheol is naked before Him, and there is no cover for Abaddon.
7 He stretches out the north over chaos; He suspends the earth on nothing.
8 He binds water in His clouds, and the cloud does not split beneath it.
9 He closes in the face of His throne; He spreads His cloud over it.
10 He encircled a boundary on the face of the water, until the ending of light with darkness.
11 The pillars of the heavens trembled and are astonished from His rebuke.
12 With His strength, the sea wrinkled, and with His understanding, He smote Rahab.
13 By His breath He made the heavens a tent; His hand caused pain to the bar- like serpent.
14 Behold these are the outskirts of His ways, and what implication of any matter can be understood therein, and who understands the thunder of His mighty deeds?”
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