Why | The Wicked
Job On Repentance And Returning To G-d
Rather than going away from Him.
Guidance from the Almighty will certainly yield blessings if you would fulfill His words.
“The Third Round Of Discussion”
and you say, ‘What does God know? Can He judge through thick cloud?
.. ‘Go away from us!’ and ‘What can God do to them?’
Yet it was He Who filled their houses with bounty! But the counsel of the wicked is far from me!
Learn now to go with Him and you will stay whole; through [these words] goodness will come to you.
Accept guidance, if you will, from His mouth, and place His utterances in your heart.
If you would return to the Almighty, you would be built up, if you would drive iniquity from your tent.
Your stronghold would be powerful, and you would have an abundance of money.
Then you would delight in the Almighty, and you would raise your face to God;
you would entreat Him and He would hear you, and you would fulfill your vows.
When people are downtrodden you would say, ‘Arise’; and He will save those with downcast eyes.
Those who are not innocent will be saved through the pureness of your hands.
1 Now Eliphaz the Temanite answered and said,
2 “Does a man benefit God when he teaches them wisdom?
3 Does the Almighty care if you are righteous, or is there any gain if you perfect your ways?
4 Will He reason with you because He fears you? Will He come with you to judgment?
5 Is not your evil great, and are not your iniquities without end?
6 For you take a pledge from your brothers for nought, and you strip them naked of their clothes.
7 You gave the faint no water to drink, and you withheld bread from the hungry.
8 Does a strong man own the earth, and does a respected one remain therein?
9 You sent widows away empty-handed, and the arms of the orphans are crushed.
10 Therefore, around you are traps, and sudden fear terrifies you.
11 Or darkness so that you do not see; or an abundance of water covers you.
12 Is not God in the height of heaven, and [does He not] behold the topmost of the stars, which are lofty?
13 And you say, ‘What does God know? Does He judge through the dark cloud?
14 Thick clouds are a concealment for Him, and He does not see, and He walks on the circle of the heavens.’
15 Will you keep the old way, upon which iniquitous people trod?
16 Who were cut off when it was not their time, when a river was poured into their foundation?
17 Who say to God, ‘Turn away from us,’ and ‘What will the Almighty do to them?’
18 Yet He filled their houses with good, but the counsel of the wicked was beyond me.
19 The righteous see and rejoice, and an innocent one mocks them.
20 Whether their substance was cut off, and their pride consumed by the fire.
21 Accustom yourself now to be with Him and you will be complete; with them good will come to you.
22 Now learn Torah from His mouth, and lay His words in your heart.
23 If you return to the Almighty, you shall be built up; you shall distance injustice from your tents.
24 Then you shall make a fortification on the earth, and on the rocks of the valleys, [the gold of] Ophir.
25 And the Almighty shall be [the Judge] of your adversaries, and you shall have abundant silver.
26 For then you shall delight in the Almighty and lift your countenance to God.
27 Pray to Him and He will listen to you, and you will pay your vows.
28 You will make a decision, and it will be accomplished for you, and light will shine on all your ways.
29 If they are humble, you will say, “Raise up!” and He will save a humble person.
30 He shall deliver one who is not innocent, and he will be delivered because of the purity of your hands.”
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