Why | The Wicked
Job Goes In depth With The Wickedness Of The Wicked
Parallel to Tehillim (Psalms) chapter 73
This chapter is another wake up call to those who are comfortable in living a life in lies either for G-d or against.
Those who claim to be worshipping G-d in lies might even be worst, than those who does not know G-d at all.
Get this:
Those concealed to men, G-d purposed it that way.
But, the ones that are revealed, and you refused to accept it, may G-d have mercy.
Deuteronomy 29:29
“Job Response To Zophar”
Why do the wicked live, become powerful and even amass fortunes?
They said to God, “Go away from us! We have no desire to know Your ways.
What is the Almighty that we should serve Him? What will we gain if we pray to Him?
How long! But the lamp of the wicked shall die out, and their downfall come upon them! May [God] apportion their due in His anger!
Let his own eyes see his ruination, and let him drink of the Almighty’s wrath!
For what is his interest in his household after he [dies], when the number of his months has been cut off?
For evil is withheld until the day of calamity, until the day when [sinners] are brought to [face God’s] fury.
Who is it who can be told to his face about [God’s] ways, [about all] He has done, [about] the One Who will requite his deeds?
1 Now Job answered and said,
2 “Listen closely to my word, and this shall be your consolations.
3 Bear with me and I will speak, and after my speech you may mock.
4 Am I speaking to man? Why then should I not be short of breath?
5 Turn to me and be silent, and place your hand upon your mouth.
6 Now when I remember, I become frightened, and my flesh is seized with shuddering.
7 Why do the wicked live on, grow strong and powerfully rich?
8 Their children are well established in their sight with them, and their children’s children are before their eyes.
9 Their houses have peace from fear, and God’s rod is not upon them.
10 His bull impregnates and does not fail; his cow bears young and does not abort.
11 They send forth their infants like sheep, and their children dance.
12 They raise [their voice] with the tambourine and the harp, and they rejoice to the sound of the flute.
13 They end their days in prosperity, and in a moment they descend to the grave.
14 They said to God, ‘Turn away from us; we do not wish to know Your ways.
15 What is the Almighty that we should serve Him, and what will it avail us that we should pray to Him?’
16 Behold, is not their prosperity in their hand? The counsel of the wicked has distanced itself from me.
17 How long? May the lamp of the wicked be snuffed out, and may their ruin befall them; may He distribute lots in His anger.
18 they shall be like straw before the wind and like chaff that the tempest has stolen.
19 Should God lay away his pain for his sons? Let Him requite him so that he should know.
20 Let his eyes see his ruin, and let him drink of God’s wrath.
21 For what does He care about his house after him since the number of his months has been cut off?
22 Can anyone teach knowledge for God? But He judges high-handedly.
23 This one dies in his full strength, completely tranquil and peaceful.
24 His pails are full of milk, and the marrow of his bones is moist.
25 And this one dies with a bitter spirit, having partaken of no good.
26 Together on the earth they lie, and the worms cover them.
27 Lo, I know your thoughts and the devices that you wrongfully think against me.
28 For you will say, ‘Where is the house of the prince, and where is the tent [and] the dwellings of the wicked?’
29 Have you not asked the wayfarers? Then do not make their signs strange [to yourselves].
30 That the wicked man is reserved for the day of calamity; they are brought for the day of wrath.
31 Who will tell His way to His face? He did, and who will requite Him?
32 But he will be borne to the grave and he will hasten to be beside the stacks of grain.
33 The clods of the valley will be sweet to him, and all men draw after him as there were innumerable ones before him.
34 Now how do you comfort me with futility, and [only] betrayal remains of your replies.”
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