Why | The Wicked
Job In The Course Of Death
Birthdays are never celebrated in the Holy Bible by righteous G-d fearing people.
Why is that?
Each time you grow a year older, it only means you are getting closer and closer to your demise.
Who is confident enough to say, that he/she will go to heaven?
Yes, obedience to G-d’s Laws/Commandments is a guarantee. But, how you perform them matter.
Forget Mark 16:16, John 3:16 & etc. that are nowhere in the Hebrew Bible spoken by G-d’s servants the prophets.
“Second Speech Of Bildad”
Light becomes darkness in his tent; his lamp will flicker out in his presence.
The Prince of Death will devour the limbs of his skin, he will devour his branches.
Such is [the fate] of evildoer’s dwellings; such is a place that does not know God.
1 Now Bildad the Shuhite answered and said,
2 “How long? Make an end to the words. Consider, and afterwards we will speak.
3 Why are we considered like an animal? and reputed dull in your sight?
4 One who destroys his soul in his anger! Shall the earth be abandoned for your sake, and shall the Rock be removed from His place?
5 Yea, the light of the wicked shall be put out and the spark of his fire shall not light.
6 The light shall become dark in his tent, and his candle that is over him shall go out.
7 The steps of his strength shall be straitened, and his counsel shall cast him down.
8 For he shall be sent into a net with his feet, and he shall walk on the toils.
9 A trap shall seize him by the heel; He shall strengthen the thirsty ones over him.
10 A noose is hidden for him in the ground, and a trap for him on the path.
11 All around, terrors frighten him, and beat him off his feet.
12 His son shall be hungry, and a misfortune shall be ready for his wife.
13 He shall eat the branches of his body; the prince of death shall devour his branches.
14 He shall be torn away from his wife who trusted him, and she will send him to the king of terrors.
15 She shall dwell in his tent, not being his; brimstone shall be scattered upon his dwelling.
16 From beneath, his roots shall dry up, and from above, his branch shall be cut off.
17 His remembrance shall be lost from the earth, and he has no name in the street.
18 They shall drive him from light into darkness and chase him from the world.
19 He shall have neither son nor grandson in his people, and there shall be no survivor in his dwelling places.
20 Concerning his day-the later people shall be astonished, and the earlier ones shall be seized by quaking.
21 These are [fit] only [for] the dwellings of the unrighteous, and this [for] the place of him who did not know God.”
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