Why | The Wicked
Job In His Loyalty To G-d
G-d’s Laws (Commandments) is one thing. Making your own to justify your wickedness is another.
Job has the nerve to constantly plea to G-d to enlighten him of his punishment or suffering. But not as a sign of rebellion.
Advisor is a picnic, compared to the concerned one who is affected.
Learn more as the chapter adds to complete the book of Job.
“Job’s Address To His Friends’ Argument”
However, I shall speak to the Almighty; I desire to argue with God.
Were He to kill me, I would still yearn for Him, but I will justify my ways before Him.
He will also be my salvation, but a hypocrite will not come before Him.
Remove Your hand from upon me, and let not fear of You terrify me.
Do You frighten a driven leaf, or chase dry straw, that You record rebelliousness about me and ascribe to me the sins of my youth,
1 Behold my eye has seen everything; my ear has heard and understood it.
2 I know as much as you; I too am not inferior to you.
3 But I would speak to the Almighty, and I wish to reason with God.
4 But you combine lies; all of you are quacks.
5 Would that you kept silent, and it would be accounted as wisdom for you.
6 Hearken now to my reasoning, and listen to the contentions of my lips.
7 Will you speak unjustly for God, and will you speak deceitfully for Him?
8 Will you show Him favor? Will you contend for God?
9 Will it be good when He searches you out? Will you mock Him as one mocks a mortal?
10 He will surely reprove you- will you secretly show favor?
11 Will not His majesty terrify you? Will [not] His fear fall upon you?
12 Your memorials are compared to ashes; your eminences are like eminences of clay.
13 Keep your peace and leave me alone, so that I will speak, and let come upon me what may.
14 For what reason shall I bring my flesh up into my teeth, and take my life into my hand?
15 Behold, let Him kill me, I will hope for Him; but I will prove my ways to His face.
16 He is also my salvation, because a hypocrite cannot come before Him.
17 Hearken to my word, and to my speech in your ears.
18 Behold now I have set up judgment; I know that I will be accounted innocent.
19 Who will contend with me, for now I will be silent and perish.
20 But do not do two things to me; then I will not hide from before You.
21 Distance Your compulsion from upon me, and let Your fear not terrify me.
22 But call, and I will answer, or I will speak and You answer me.
23 How many iniquities and sins do I have? Let me know my transgression and my sin.
24 Why do You hide Your face and regard me as Your enemy?
25 Will You frighten a rattling leaf? Will You pursue dry stubble?
26 That You should write disobediences against me and cause me to inherit the iniquities of my youth?
27 And that You should put my feet in the stocks and guard all my ways; You engrave my footsteps.
28 And it is like rot that decays like a moth-eaten garment.
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