Why | The Wicked
Job Goes On To Tell More About G-d As “The All Powerful”
In the book of Isaiah it is clearly mentioned in first person:
[I am the One] Who forms light and creates darkness; Who makes peace and creates evil; I am Hashem, Maker of all these.
Nothing was created or evolved in its own without G-d behind it all.
This is what Science still refused to fully admit. G-d’s creation in all things we see and do not see with our naked eyes.
Job’s Response To Zophar
Who cannot know from all these things that the hand of God made this?
That in His hand is the soul of every living thing and the spirit of all mankind?
In the aged is wisdom, and [in] length of days understanding [that] with Him are wisdom and might; His are counsel and understanding.
With Him are might and sagacity; His are the deceived one and the deceiver.
He leads ministers to folly, and subverts the mighty;
He distorts the utterances of the trustworthy, and takes reason away from the elders;
1 Now Job replied and said,
2 “Indeed you are a people, and wisdom shall perish with you.
3 [But] I too have intelligence like you; I am not inferior to you, and with whom are there none comparable to these?
4 I am as one who is a laughingstock to his friend, one who calls to God and He answers him that the completely righteous will have laughter.
5 A brand of contempt is for the thought of the tranquil, is prepared for those whose foot has slipped.
6 The tents of robbers prosper, and those who provoke God are secure, to whomever God brought it with His hand.
7 But now inquire of the beasts and they will instruct you, and of the fowl of the heavens and they will tell you.
8 Or speak to the earth and it will instruct you, and the fishes of the sea will tell you.
9 Who does not know of all these? For the hand of the Lord has done this,
10 in Whose hand is the soul of all living and the spirit of all human flesh.
11 Does not the ear discern words and the palate taste its food?
12 In elders there is wisdom and in longevity there is understanding.
13 With Him is wisdom and might; He has counsel and understanding.
14 Behold, He breaks down and it cannot be rebuilt; He shuts up a man and there can be no opening.
15 Behold He withholds the water and it dries up; He sends it away and it overturns the earth.
16 With Him is might and counsel; His are the misled and the misleader.
17 He leads counselors away with madness and He makes judges into fools.
18 He loosens the bond of kings and He binds a girdle to their loins.
19 He leads princes away with madness and He overthrows the mighty.
20 He removes the speech from trusty men, and takes away the sense of the elders.
21 He pours contempt upon princes and loosens the belt of the strong.
22 He uncovers deep things out of darkness and brings to light the shadow of death.
23 He makes nations great and destroys them; He spreads out the nations and leads them.
24 He takes away the intelligence of the heads of the people of the land, and He causes them to wander in a wasteland [that is] not a road.
25 They grope in the darkness without light, and he causes them to wander like a drunkard.
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