The prophecies of the prophet Jeremiah, who lived during the 7th century BCE. The book addresses various themes, including the judgment of G-d upon Israel and other nations, the coming destruction of Jerusalem and the Babylonian exile, and the restoration of Israel. Jeremiah (Yirmiyahu in Hebrew) is known as “The suffering or lamenting prophet,” for his emotional and passionate prophecies, and his book accounts the tragic details as it happens right before his eyes in his lifetime.
Chapter 8
Jeremiah Chapter 8 Being Righteous on Your Own Understanding
There Is No Wisdom From G-d That Is Not From His Torah
One cannot be godly and finds favor in G-d’s eyes on his own understanding of morality.
Idol (Jesus) never saves.
Do good because G-d told you to do so.
“Punishment As A Result Of No Repentance”
At that time — the word of Hashem — they will remove the bones of the kings of Judah, the bones of its leaders, the bones of the priests, the bones of the prophets and the bones of Jerusalem’s inhabitants from their graves,
and spread them out under the sun and the moon and all the heavenly legion, which they loved and which they worshiped and which they followed and which they sought out, and to which they prostrated themselves. They will not be gathered together nor buried; they will be like dung upon the face of the earth.
Yet death will be preferable to life for the surviving remnant of this evil family, in all the places of the survivors where I will have driven them — the word of Hashem, Master of Legions.
You shall say unto them: Thus said Hashem: Will they fall out and not rise? If he would repent, would He not return [to them]?
Then why is this rebellious people of Jerusalem eternally rebellious? They hold fast to guile; they refuse to repent.
I have listened and heard. They speak untruth; no man relents of his evil, saying, ‘What have I done?’ They all follow their course like a horse racing headlong in war.
Even the stork in the heavens knows its [migration] seasons, and the turtledove, the swift, and the crane keep the time of their arrival; but My people do not know the law of Hashem.
How can you say, ‘We are wise, and Hashem’s Torah is with us’? Indeed, they made the quill for falsehood, the scribes are false.
… behold, they have rejected the word of Hashem, so what wisdom is in them?
… from prophet to priest, all deal in falsehood.
They relieved the [impending] disaster of the daughter of My people by making light [of it], saying, ‘Peace! Peace!’ But there is no peace.
Were they ashamed that they had committed abominations? They are not ashamed, nor do they know how to feel humiliated! Therefore they will fall among the fallen; at the time I attend to them they will stumble, said Hashem.
… for we have sinned to Hashem.
“Is Hashem not in Zion, is its king not within it?” [But He replies,] “Why have they angered Me with their idols, with their alien vanities?”
1 At that time, says the Lord, they will take out the bones of the kings of Judah and the bones of his princes and the bones of the priests and the bones of the prophets and the bones of the inhabitants of Jerusalem, from their graves.
2 And spread them before the sun and before the moon and before the entire host of the heavens, which they loved and which they worshipped and which they followed, and which they sought and to which they prostrated themselves; they shall neither be gathered nor be buried; they shall be for dung on the surface of the earth.
3 And death shall be preferable to life for all the residue that remain of this evil family, which remain in all the places whither I have cast them out, says the Lord of Hosts.
4 And you shall say to them; so says the Lord: Shall they fall and not rise, if he repents, will He not return?
5 Why has this people, Jerusalem, slid back a perpetual backsliding? They have held on to deceit, they refuse to repent.
6 I hearkened and heard, they do not speak properly; no man regrets his wickedness, saying, “What have I done?” Each one turns away in his course, as a frightening horse into battle.
7 Even the stork in the heaven knows her seasons, and the turtledoves and the crane and the swallow await the time of their coming, but My people do not know the ordinance of the Lord.
8 How do you say, “We are wise, and the Law of the Lord is with us”? Verily, behold it is in vain, he made a false scribes’ pen.
9 Wise men were ashamed, they were broken and caught; behold they rejected the word of the Lord, now what wisdom have they?
10 Therefore, I will give their wives to others, their fields to those who possess them for from the smallest to the greatest, they all commit robbery, from prophet to priest, they all deal falsely.
11 And they healed the breach of My people easily, saying, “Peace, peace,” but there is no peace.
12 They shall be put to shame since they have committed abomination. Neither are they ashamed nor do they know to feel disgrace. They will, therefore, fall among the slain; at the time I have visited upon them, they will stumble, says the Lord.
13 I will utterly consume them, says the Lord. There shall be no grapes on the vine, nor figs on the fig tree; even the leaves will be withered, for what I gave them they transgressed.
14 Why do we sit still? Gather together, and let us go to the fortified cities, and there let us sit in silence, for the Lord our God has silenced us, and has given us poisoned water to drink because we have sinned against the Lord.
15 We hoped for peace, but no good came; for a time of healing, but behold, terror.
16 From Dan is heard the snorting of their horses, at the sound of the neighing of their stallions the whole land quakes; they come and devour the land and its produce, the city and those that dwell therein.
17 For behold, I am sending you serpents, adders which cannot be charmed, and they shall bite you, says the Lord.
18 Were I to suppress my grief, my heart is sick within me.
19 Hark the voice from a distant land, the cry of the daughter of My people; is the Lord not in Zion? Is not her King therein? Why have they provoked Me with their graven images, with their strange vanities?
20 The harvest is past, the summer is ended; and we are not saved.
21 For the wound of the daughter of my people, I am wounded (with grief); I mourn, (and) dismay has taken hold of me.
22 Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there? Why then, has the health of the daughter of my people not been restored?
23 O that my head were (full of) waters and my eyes a fountain of tears, that I might weep day and night for the slain of the daughter of my people.
(Audio Bible)
Let Not The Wise Man Glorify Himself.
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