The prophecies of the prophet Jeremiah, who lived during the 7th century BCE. The book addresses various themes, including the judgment of G-d upon Israel and other nations, the coming destruction of Jerusalem and the Babylonian exile, and the restoration of Israel. Jeremiah (Yirmiyahu in Hebrew) is known as “The suffering or lamenting prophet,” for his emotional and passionate prophecies, and his book accounts the tragic details as it happens right before his eyes in his lifetime.
Chapter 22
Jeremiah Chapter 22 on the Consequences of Forsaking G-d’s True Commandments in the Hebrew Bible
When Everyone Is Busy With Their Own Affairs Be It Good Or Evil
G-d is always set aside, until something bad happened or bound to happen.
“The Kings’ Deeds Of Not Teaching G-d’s Torah”
Thus said Hashem: Administer justice and righteousness, and save the robbed from the hand of the oppressor; do not taunt and do not cheat the stranger, the orphan and the widow; and do not spill innocent blood in this place.
But if you do not heed these words, I swear by Myself — the word of Hashem — that this palace will become a ruin.
Many nations will pass by this city, and each man will say to his fellow, ‘For what reason did Hashem do this to this great city?’
And they will reply, ‘It is because they forsook the covenant of Hashem their God and prostrated themselves to the gods of others and worshipped them.’
“Woe to him who builds his house without righteousness and his upper stories without justice; who works his fellow without payment, and does not give him his wages;
If one does justice to the poor and destitute, then it is good; is this not ‘knowing Me’? — the word of Hashem.
But your eyes and heart focus on nothing but your profit, and upon innocent blood to shed, and to practice oppression and persecution.
I spoke to you while you were tranquil; you said, ‘I will not listen.’ This was your way since your youth — not to listen to My voice.
As I live — the word of Hashem — even if you, Coniah son of Jehoiakim, king of Judah, would be a signet ring on My right hand, I would pull you off it.
Thus said Hashem: Inscribe this man to become childless, a man who will not succeed in his life; for none of his descendants will ever succeed in a being a man who sits on the throne of David, and ever to rule over Judah.
1 So said the Lord: Go down to the house of the king of Judah and speak this word there.
2 And say; Listen to the word of the Lord, O king of Judah, who sits on the throne of David, you and your servants and your people who come in these gates.
3 So said the Lord: Perform justice and charity, and rescue the robbed from the hand of the robber, and to a stranger, an orphan, and a widow do no wrong, do no violence, and shed no innocent blood in this place.
4 For if you will do this thing, there will come into the gates of this house kings descended from David, sitting on his throne, riding in chariots and with horses, he and his servants and his people.
5 But if you do not hearken to these words, I swear by Myself, says the Lord, that this house will become a waste.
6 For so said the Lord concerning the house of the king of Judah; You are [as] Gilead to me, O head of the Lebanon, that I will surely make you a desert, cities not inhabited.
7 And I will prepare for you destroyers, each one with his weapons, and they will cut your choice cedars and cast them upon the fire.
8 And many nations will pass by this city, and they will say each one to his friend, “For what [reason] did the Lord do so to this great city?”
9 And they will say, “Because they forsook the covenant of the Lord their God, and they prostrated themselves to other gods and worshipped them.”
10 Weep not for the dead, neither bemoan him: weep for him who goes away, for he will return no more, nor see his native land.
11 For so said the Lord concerning Shallum son of Josiah, king of Judah, who ruled instead of Josiah his father, who left this place; he shall not return there again.
12 For, in the place where they exiled him, there he will die, and this land he will no longer see.
13 Woe to him who builds his house without righteousness and his upper chambers without justice, who makes his fellowman work without wages and his hire he does not give him.
14 Who says, “I will build myself a wide house with spacious upper chambers, and he cuts out windows for himself, and it is ceiled with cedar and painted with vermilion.
15 Shall you reign, for you compete with the cedar? Your father-did he not eat and drink and perform justice and righteousness? Then it was well with him.
16 He judged the cause of the poor and needy, then it was good. Is not that the knowledge of Me? says the Lord.
17 For your eyes and your heart are on nothing but your gain and on innocent blood to shed and on the oppression and on the crushing to do.
18 Therefore, so said the Lord about Jehoiakim, king of Judah; They will not lament him, [saying], “Hoe, brother!” or “Hoe, sister!” they will not lament him, “Hoe, lord!” or “Hoe, his glory!”
19 A donkey’s burial shall he be buried, dragged and tossed past the gates of Jerusalem.
20 Ascend to the Lebanon and cry, and on the Bashan give forth your voice, and cry for Avarim for all your lovers have been broken.
21 I spoke to you in your peaceful times. You said, “I will not heed.” This is your way since your youth, for you did not hearken to My voice.
22 All your shepherds shall be broken by the wind, and your lovers shall go into captivity, for then you shall be ashamed and confounded because of all your evil.
23 You, who abide in the Lebanon, who nest in the cedars, how gracious shall you be when pangs come to you, the pain of a woman in travail?
24 As I live, says the Lord, though Coniah the son of Jehoiakim, king of Judah, be a signet on My right hand, from there I will remove you.
25 And I will deliver you into the hand[s] of those who seek your life and into the hand[s] of those you fear and into the hand[s] of Nebuchadrezzar, king of Babylon, and into the hand[s] of the Chaldees.
26 And I will cast you and your mother who bore you, to another land where you were not born, and there you shall die.
27 But to the land to which they long to return there, there they shall not return.
28 Is this man, Coniah, a despised, shattered image, or a vessel in which there is no use? Why were he and his seed cast away, thrown to a land they know not?
29 O land, land, land, hearken to the word of the Lord.
30 So said the Lord: Inscribe this man childless, a man who will not prosper in his days, for no man of his seed shall prosper, sitting on the throne of David or ruling anymore in Judah.
(Audio Bible)
Let Not The Wise Man Glorify Himself.
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