A known prophetic book in the Hebrew-Jewish Bible is the book of Isaiah (Yeshayahu in Hebrew). It contains the written prophecies during the 8th century BCE throughout his life. The book addresses various themes, including the judgment of G-d upon Israel (the suffering servant) and other nations, the coming of the Messiah, and the establishment of G-d’s kingdom on earth. Isaiah is known for his poetic and eloquent language, and his prophecies have had a profound influence on Jewish and Christian thought throughout history.
Chapter 59
Isaiah Chapter 59 on Emptiness of Your Faith Yielding to Wrong Doing Distancing from Hashem
Another Chapter That Clearly Exposes The Greek Book – New Testament
G-d never spoken of Him becoming a man, to be crucified, died, resurrected, coming and going soon and quickly.
G-d forgives without such falsehood that is prevalent in the Pagan world as idol worshipers.
Even setting aside His truth is mentioned here and more…
“Iniquities Causes G-d To Distance Himself From Man”
Surely, the hand of Hashem is not too limited to save, nor is His ear heavy, [preventing Him] from hearing;
rather, your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your transgressions have caused [Him] to hide [His] countenance from you, from hearing [you].
No one calls out in righteousness and no one is judged truthfully, trusting in emptiness and speaking vanity, conceiving wrongdoing and giving birth to wickedness.
For our willful sins have increased before You and our transgressions have testified against us; for our willful sins are with us and we are aware of our iniquities:
defiance and denial of Hashem and withdrawal from after our God, speaking of oppression and rebellion, conceiving and contemplating words of falsehood from the heart.
Truth became lacking and refraining from evil seemed foolish. Hashem saw all this and it was evil in His eyes that there is no justice.”
He donned righteousness like armor and a helmet of salvation on His head; and He donned garments of vengeance as His attire and clothed Himself in zealousness like a coat.
A redeemer will come to Zion, and to those of Jacob who repent from willful sin — the word of Hashem.
And as for Me, this is My covenant with them, said Hashem, My spirit which is upon you and My words that I have placed in your mouth will not be withdrawn from your mouth nor from the mouth of your offspring nor from the mouth of your offspring’s offspring, said Hashem, from this moment and forever.
1 Behold, the hand of the Lord is not too short to save, neither is His ear too heavy to hear.
2 But your iniquities were separating between you and between your God, and your sins have caused [Him] to hide [His] face from you that He not hear.
3 For your hands were defiled with blood and your fingers with iniquity; your lips have spoken falsehood, your tongue mutters injustice.
4 No one calls sincerely, and no one is judged faithfully; trusting in vanity and speaking lies, conceiving injustice and begetting wickedness.
5 They hatched vipers’ eggs, and they weave spider webs; whoever eats of their eggs shall die, and what hatches, emerges a viper.
6 Their webs shall not become a garment, neither shall they cover themselves with their deeds; their deeds are works of wickedness, and there is a deed of violence in their hands.
7 Their feet run to evil, and they hasten to shed innocent blood; their thoughts are thoughts of wickedness; robbery and ruin are in their paths.
8 The way of peace they do not know, and there is no justice in their paths; they have made themselves crooked paths; whoever goes on it knows no peace.
9 Therefore, justice is far from us, and righteousness does not overtake us; we hope for light and behold there is darkness, for brightness, but we walk in gloom.
10 We tap a wall like blind men, and like those who have no eyes we tap; we have stumbled at midday like in the darkness of night; [we are] in dark places like the dead.
11 We all growl like bears, and like doves we moan; we hope for justice but there is none, for salvation [but] it has distanced itself from us.
12 For our transgressions against You are many, and our sins have testified against us, for our transgressions are with us, and our iniquities-we know them.
13 Rebelling and denying the Lord, and drawing away from following our God, speaking oppression and perverseness, sprouting and giving forth from the heart words of falsehood.
14 And justice has turned away backward, and righteousness stands from afar, for truth has stumbled in the street, and straightforwardness cannot come.
15 And truth is lacking, and he who turns away from evil is considered mad, and the Lord saw and was displeased for there is no justice.
16 And He saw that there was no man, and He was astounded for there was no intercessor, and His armsaved for Him, and His righteousness, that supported Him.
17 And He donned righteousness like a coat of mail, and a helmet of salvation is upon His head, and He donned garments of vengeance as His attire, and He was clad with zeal as a cloak.
18 According to their deeds, accordingly He shall repay, fury to His adversaries, recompense to His enemies; to the islands He shall pay recompense.
19 And from the west they shall fear the name of the Lord, and from the rising of the sun, His glory, for distress shall come like a river; the spirit of the Lord is wondrous in it.
20 And a redeemer shall come to Zion, and to those who repent of transgression in Jacob, says the Lord.
21 “As for Me, this is My covenant with them,” says the Lord. “My spirit, which is upon you and My words that I have placed in your mouth, shall not move from your mouth or from the mouth of your seed and from the mouth of your seed’s seed,” said the Lord, “from now and to eternity.”
(Audio Bible)
Seek Hashem. Call Upon Him.
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The Book of Micah (Michah in the Hebrew-Jewish Bible). Micah, who lived during the 8th century BCE during the reigns of the kings of Judah and Israel. Micah’s prophecies address social justice, the condemnation of injustice, the coming judgment of G-d on Israel and other nations for their sins, and the promise of a future restoration and redemption. Micah’s prophecies are known for its powerful outlook and emotional intensity.
The Book of Nahum (Nachum in the Hebrew-Jewish Bible).
Prophet Nahum, who lived during the 7th century BCE. The book primarily addresses the judgment of G-d upon the city of Nineveh, the capital of the Assyrian Empire, for its arrogance, cruelty, and violence. Nahum’s prophecies are known for their vivid descriptions of Nineveh’s destruction and their emphasis on G-d’s justice and sovereignty.

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