A known prophetic book in the Hebrew-Jewish Bible is the book of Isaiah (Yeshayahu in Hebrew). It contains the written prophecies during the 8th century BCE throughout his life. The book addresses various themes, including the judgment of G-d upon Israel (the suffering servant) and other nations, the coming of the Messiah, and the establishment of G-d’s kingdom on earth. Isaiah is known for his poetic and eloquent language, and his prophecies have had a profound influence on Jewish and Christian thought throughout history.
Chapter 44
Isaiah Chapter 44 Continues in Revealing the Truth About G-d and His Chosen People — The Jews
1. Question:
Are graven images only of animals and not human?
2. Question:
Is Jesus the suffering servant of G-? Or Jacob/Israel?
3. Question:
Is there such thing as G-d the Son or Jesus as L-rd or King or G-d?
The answers and more can be found in this chapter and even prior chapters in plain words.
“Israel – G-d’s Servant”
“Idols And Idol Worship”
“G-d’s Forgiveness”
But hear now, Jacob, My servant, and Israel, whom I have chosen!
Thus said Hashem Who made you and fashioned you from the womb, Who will help you: Fear not, My servant Jacob and Jeshurun, whom I have chosen.
This one will say: ‘I am Hashem’s, and the other one will call [himself] by the name of Jacob; this one will sign his allegiance to Hashem, and adopt the name of Israel.
Thus said Hashem, King of Israel and its Redeemer, Hashem, Master of Legions: I am first and I am the last, and aside from Me there is no God.
Whoever will declare that he is like Me, let him proclaim it and set forth [all the events] since I emplaced the people of antiquity! And let them tell us coming events and what is yet to happen.
Be not afraid and be not terrified! Did I not make you hear of yore and tell you; and you are My witnesses: Is there a god aside from Me? There is no rock I do not know!
All who fashion statues are empty, and the objects of their adoration will not avail; they bear witness on themselves, for they see not and they know not, so that they should be ashamed.
Who fashioned a god or a molten idol? It is to no avail!
Behold, all who join it will be shamed; and the artisans, they are but human! …
The woodworker stretches a line and marks [the wood] with chalk; he works on it with planes and marks it with a compass; he makes it like a man’s form, like human splendor, to stay inside a house.
… Yet he also makes a god and prostrate himself; he makes it a graven idol and bows to it!
Then the rest of it he make into a god as his graven image; he will bow to it and prostrate himself and pray to it, and say, ‘Rescue me, for you are my god!”
They do not know and they do not understand; for their eyes are smeared, [prevented] from seeing and their hearts from comprehending.
… Shall I Make the remainder into an abomination? Shall I bow to a stock of a tree?’
… ‘Is there not falsehood in my right hand?!’
Remember these things, Jacob and Israel, do not forget Me!
I have wiped away your willful sins like a thick mist and your transgressions like a cloud; return to Me, for I will have redeemed you!
… for Hashem has redeemed Jacob, and He will glorify Himself through Israel.
Thus said Hashem, Who has made everything; Who spread out the heavens by Myself, and firmed the earth of My own accord;
Who abrogates the omens of the stargazers and makes fools of the astrologers; Who makes wise men retreat and makes their knowledge foolish.
Who confirms the words of His servant, and fulfills the counsel of His messengers; …
Who says of Cyrus, ‘He is My shepherd, He will fulfill all My desires,’ to say to Jerusalem, ‘It shall be built,’ and of the Temple, ‘It shall be established.’
1 And now, hearken, Jacob My servant, and Israel whom I have chosen.
2 So said the Lord your Maker, and He Who formed you from the womb shall aid you. Fear not, My servant Jacob, and Jeshurun whom I have chosen.
3 As I will pour water on the thirsty and running water on dry land, I will pour My spirit on your seed and My blessing on your offspring.
4 And they shall sprout among the grass like willows on rivulets of water.
5 This one shall say, “I am the Lord’s,” and this one shall call himself by the name of Jacob, and this one shall write [with] his hand, “To the Lord,” and adopt the name Israel.
6 So said the Lord, the King of Israel and his Redeemer the Lord of Hosts, “I am first and I am last, and besides Me there is no God.
7 And who will call [that he is] like Me and will tell it and arrange it for Me, since My placing the ancient people, and the signs and those that will come, let them tell for themselves.
8 Fear not and be not dismayed; did I not let you hear it from then, and I told [it] and you are My witnesses; is there a God besides Me? And there is no rock I did not know.
9 Those who form idols are all of them vanity, and their treasures are of no avail, and they are their witnesses; they neither see nor hear, nor do they know, so that they be ashamed.
10 Who formed a god or molded an image, being of no avail?
11 Behold, all his colleagues shall be ashamed, and they are smiths-of man. Let all of them gather, let them stand, they shall fear, they shall be ashamed together.
12 The ironsmith [makes] an axe, and he works with coal, and with sledge hammers he fashions it; and he made it with his strong arm; yea he is hungry, and he has no strength, he did not drink water and he becomes faint.
13 The carpenter stretched out a line, he beautifies it with a saw; he fixes it with planes, and with a compass he rounds it, and he made it in the likeness of a man, like the beauty of man to sit [in] the house.
14 To hew for himself cedars, and he took an ilex and an oak and he reenforced it with forest trees; he planted a sapling, and rain makes it grow.
15 And it was for man to ignite, and he took from them and warmed himself; he even heated [the oven] and baked bread; he even made a god and prostrated himself, he made a graven image and bowed to them.
16 Half of it he burnt with fire, on half of it he ate meat, he roasted a roast and became sated; he even warmed himself and said, “Aha, I am warm, I see fire.”
17 And what is left over from it he made for a god, for his graven image; he kneels to it and prostrates himself and prays to it, and he says, “Save me, for you are my god.”
18 Neither do they know nor do they understand, for their eyes are bedaubed from seeing, their hearts from understanding.
19 And he does not give it thought, and he has neither knowledge nor understanding to say, “Half of it I burnt with fire, and I even baked bread on its coals, I roasted meat and ate. And what was left over from it, shall I make for an abomination, shall I bow to rotten wood?”
20 [To] a provider [made] of ashes, a deceived heart has perverted him, and he shall not save his soul, and he shall not say, “Is there not falsehood in my right hand?”
21 Remember these, O Jacob; and Israel, for you are My servant; I formed you that you be a servant to Me, Israel, do not forget Me.
22 I erased your transgressions like a thick cloud, and like a cloud have I erased your sins; return to Me for I have redeemed you.
23 Sing, ye heavens, for the Lord has done [this], shout, ye lowest parts of the earth; ye mountains, burst out in song, the forest and all trees therein; for the Lord has redeemed Jacob, and with Israel shall He be glorified.
24 So said the Lord, your Redeemer, and the One Who formed you from the womb, “I am the Lord Who makes everything, Who stretched forth the heavens alone, Who spread out the earth from My power.
25 Who frustrates the signs of imposters, and diviners He makes mad; He turns the wise backwards, and makes their knowledge foolish.
26 He fulfills the word of His servant, and the counsel of His messenger He completes; Who says of Jerusalem, “It shall be settled,” and of the cities of Judah, “They shall be built, and its ruins I will erect.”
27 Who says to the deep, “Be dry, and I will dry up your rivers.”
28 Who says of Cyrus, “He is My shepherd, and all My desire he shall fulfill,” and to say of Jerusalem, “It shall be built, and the Temple shall be founded.”
(Audio Bible)
Seek Hashem. Call Upon Him.
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