A known prophetic book in the Hebrew-Jewish Bible is the book of Isaiah (Yeshayahu in Hebrew). It contains the written prophecies during the 8th century BCE throughout his life. The book addresses various themes, including the judgment of G-d upon Israel (the suffering servant) and other nations, the coming of the Messiah, and the establishment of G-d’s kingdom on earth. Isaiah is known for his poetic and eloquent language, and his prophecies have had a profound influence on Jewish and Christian thought throughout history.
Chapter 30
Isaiah Chapter 30 Goes on to Speak About Those Who Do Things for the Sake of Showing-off Even Knowing All are But Lies and Vanities
Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) vs. Greek Book (New Testament)
This Chapter Is A Clear Encouragement To Constantly Expose Falsehood Rather Than Condoning It
For most people who just do not care about truth and holiness, and continue carrying on with lies, vanities, falsehood and idol worship; find out where are you going in the end…
*Believing in Jesus you will never be saved. It is never mentioned in any prophecy in the Hebrew Bible; let alone by G-d.
“Reliance To All Except G-d”
“End Of Days”
“G-d’s Vengeance”
Woe, O wayward sons — the word of Hashem — who take counsel, but not from Me, and who accept a ruler, but not of My spirit, in order to add sin upon sin;
Now, go and write this [prophecy] on a tablet in their presence, and inscribe it in a book; and let it remain until the final day, forever, for eternity.
For it is a rebellious people who deny; children who are unwilling to hear the teaching of Hashem;
who say to the seers, “Do not see.” and to the prophets, “Do not envision true [visions] for us! Speak smooth words to us; see fantasies for us.
Veer from the way, stray from the path. Remove from our presence [the word of] the Holy One of Israel!”
Therefore, thus said the Holy One of Israel: Since you have despised this word and you trusted in robbery and waywardness, and have depended on it —
For thus said my Lord Hashem/Elohim, the Holy One of Israel: ‘In stillness and peacefulness will you be saved, in quiet and in confidence will be your might.’ but you did not consent.
And you said, ‘Not so! We will flee on a horse,’ therefore you will flee; and, ‘We will ride upon swift animals.’ therefore your pursuers will be swifter.
Therefore, Hashem will delay in showing you grace, and therefore He will be aloof from showing you mercy. For Hashem is a God of justice; praiseworthy are those who yearn for Him.
For a people will dwell in Zion, in Jerusalem. You will not have to weep; He will surely show you grace at the sound of your outcry, when He hears, He will answer you.
The light of the moon will be like the light of the sun, and the light of the sun will be seven times as strong, like the light of seven days, on the day that Hashem bandages the injury of His people and heals the wound of His blow.
Behold, the Name of Hashem is coming from afar; His anger is flaring, and the burden is heavy; His lips are full of rage and His tongue is like a consuming fire.
For Hell has been prepared from yesterday; it has been readied even for the king; [God] has deepened and widened it; its inferno has much fire and wood, and the breath of Hashem is like a stream of sulfur burning within it.
1 “Woe to rebellious children,” says the Lord, “to take counsel but not from Me, and to appoint a ruler but not of My spirit, in order to add sin upon sin.
2 Those who go to descend to Egypt, and they have not asked of My mouth, to strengthen themselves with the strength of Pharaoh and to take shelter in the shade of Egypt.
3 And the strength of Pharaoh shall be to you for shame, and the shelter in the shade of Egypt for disgrace.
4 For his princes were in Zoan and his emissaries reached Hanes.
5 They all disgraced themselves because of a people that will not avail them, neither for aid nor for avail, but for shame and also for disgrace.
6 The burden of the beasts of the southland, in a land of trouble and anguish, the awesome lion and the crushing lion among them, the viper and the flying serpent; they carry their wealth on the shoulders of young donkeys and their treasures on the humps of camels, to a people that will not avail.
7 And the Egyptians help in vain and to no purpose, therefore, I called this, “They are haughty, idlers.”
8 Now, come write it on a tablet with them, and on a book engrave it, and it shall be for the last day, forever to eternity.
9 For a rebellious people are they, lying children, children who would not hearken to the Lord’s instruction.
10 Who said to the seers, “You shall not see,” and to the prophets, “You shall not prophesy for us true things. Speak to us with smooth talk; prophesy mockery.
11 Turn away from the road, turn away from the path, cease from before us the Holy One of Israel.”
12 Therefore, so said the Holy One of Israel, “Because you have despised this matter, and you have put your trust in oppression and a perverse one, and you have relied upon it.
13 Therefore, this iniquity shall be to you as a breach of a falling [wall], revealed in a fortified wall, whose breach will come suddenly.”
14 And He shall break it like the breaking of a potter’s jug, crushed without pity, and in its crushing shall not be found a shard, to scoop fire from a hearth, or to scoop water from a cistern.
15 For so said the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel; “With tranquility and restfulness shall you be saved, with quietude and trust shall be your might; but you did not want.
16 And you said, ‘No, but on horses will we flee.’ Therefore, you shall flee. ‘And on swift [steeds] will we ride.’ Therefore, your pursuers shall be swift.
17 One thousand, because of the shout of one, because of the shout of five, shall you flee, until you remain like a mast on a mountaintop and like a flagpole on a hill.”
18 Therefore, the Lord shall wait to be gracious to you, and therefore, He shall withdraw to have mercy upon you, for the Lord is a God of justice; fortunate are all who wait for Him.
19 For a nation shall dwell in Zion, in Jerusalem; you shall not weep; He shall be gracious to you at the sound of your cry; when He hears you, He shall respond to you.
20 And the Lord shall give you scant bread and water of oppression, and your Teacher shall no longer be concealed from you, and your eyes shall see your Teacher.
21 And your ears shall hear from behind you, saying, “This is the way; go on it,” whether you will go right or whether you will go left.
22 And you shall contaminate the plate of your silver graven images and the adornment of your golden molten image; scatter them afar like a menstruant; ‘Go out,’ say to it.
23 And He shall give the rain of your seed, with which you shall sow the soil, and bread of the grain of the soil, and it shall be plenteous and fat; your livestock shall graze, [each one becoming] on that day a fattened lamb.
24 And the oxen and the young donkeys who work the soil shall eat enriched provender, which was winnowed with the shovel and with the fan.
25 And there shall be on every high mountain and on every raised hill, canals, rivulets of water, on the day of the great slaying, when the great ones fall.
26 And the light of the moon shall be like the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold as the light of the seven days, on the day the Lord shall bind the fracture of His people, and the stroke of their wound He shall heal.
27 Behold the Name of the Lord comes from long ago, His wrath is kindled, and the weight of the burden; His lips are filled with fury, and His tongue is like a consuming fire.
28 And His breath is like a flooding stream, up to the neck it shall divide; to wave the nations with a vain waving, and a misleading bit on the jaws of the peoples.
29 This song shall be to you as the night of the sanctification of the festival, and the joy of heart like one who goes with a flute to come upon the mountain of the Lord, to the Rock of Israel.
30 And the Lord shall make heard the glory of His voice, and the laying down of His arm shall He show, with furious anger and a flame of consuming fire, bursting and storming rain, and hailstones.
31 For from the Lord’s voice Assyria shall be broken; with a rod he would smite.
32 And it shall be, every place where the established staff shall pass, upon which the Lord shall grant peace, [it shall be] with drums and with harps, and with wars of waving will He fight with them.
33 For Tophteh is set up from yesterday, that too has been prepared for the king, it deepened, it widened its pile, of fire and much wood; the breath of the Lord is like a stream of brimstone, burning therein.
(Audio Bible)
Seek Hashem. Call Upon Him.
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