A known prophetic book in the Hebrew-Jewish Bible is the book of Isaiah (Yeshayahu in Hebrew). It contains the written prophecies during the 8th century BCE throughout his life. The book addresses various themes, including the judgment of G-d upon Israel (the suffering servant) and other nations, the coming of the Messiah, and the establishment of G-d’s kingdom on earth. Isaiah is known for his poetic and eloquent language, and his prophecies have had a profound influence on Jewish and Christian thought throughout history.
Chapter 28
Isaiah Chapter 28 on Admitting Your Wrong Doing and Correcting It In Line With That of G-d’s
Reminder… Or Warning!
To those who continue their ways…
To you who make your own rules in life…
To the stubborn who listens to fellow men’s advice; rather than G-d’s…
Here are your practices in detail and parable.
If this will not move you still – don’t blame G-d if He will not listen to your prayers during your difficult times be it in situation or sickness…
“The Lesson To Be Learned In Life”
On that day, Hashem, Master of Legions, will be the crown of delight and a diadem of glory for the remnant of His people,
For they, too, have erred because of wine and strayed because of liquor; the Kohen and the [false] prophet have erred because of liquor and were corrupted by wine; they have strayed because of liquor, erred in vision, perverted justice.
For it is commandment by commandment, commandment by commandment; line by line, a bit here and a bit there.
The word of Hashem shall befall them commandment by commandment, commandment by commandment; line by line, line by line; a bit here and a bit there; so that they will go and stumble backward and be broken, and be tripped up and caught.
Therefore, hear the word of Hashem, O scoffing men, O rulers of this people who are in Jerusalem.
For you say, ‘We have sealed a covenant with Death and made a compact with the Grave; when the surging staff [of punishment] passes through it will not come to us, for we have made Deceit our shelter and taken refuge in Falsehood.’
I shall use judgment as a [measuring] line, and righteousness as a plumb bob. Hail will sweep away the shelter of Deceit, and water will wash away the refuge [of Falsehood].
And your covenant with Death will be annulled, and your compact with the Grave will be binding; …
[So too] one will be rebuked with judgment by his God Who teaches him.
This, too, has issued from Hashem, Master of Legions; His counsel is wondrous and His wisdom abundant.
1 Woe is to the crown of the pride of the drunkards of Ephraim and the young fruit of an inferior fig is the position of his glory, which is at the end of a valley of fatness, crushed by wine.
2 Behold God [has] a strong and powerful [wind], like a downpour of hail, a storm of destruction, like a stream of powerful, flooding water, He lays it on the land with [His] hand.
3 With the feet, they shall be trampled, the crown of the pride of the drunkards of Ephraim.
4 And his glorious beauty shall be the young fruit of an inferior fig, which is on the head of the valley of fatness; as a fig that ripens before the summer, which, if the seer sees it, he will swallow it while it is still in his hand.
5 On that day, the Lord of Hosts shall be for a crown of beauty and for a diadem of glory, for the rest of His people.
6 And for a spirit of justice to him who sits in judgment, and for might for those who bring back the war to the gate.
7 These, too, erred because of wine and strayed because of strong wine; priest and prophet erred because of strong wine, they became corrupt because of wine; they went astray because of strong wine, they erred against the seer, they caused justice to stumble.
8 For all tables were filled with vomit and ordure, without place.
9 Whom shall he teach knowledge and to whom shall he explain the message? To those weaned from milk, removed from breasts?
10 For a precept for a precept, a precept for a precept, a line for a line, a line for a line, a little there, a little there.
11 For with distorted speech and in another language, does he speak to this people.
12 For he said to them, “This is the rest; give rest to the weary, and this is the tranquility,” but they would not listen.
13 And the word of the Lord shall be for them a precept for a precept, a precept for a precept, a line for a line, a line for a line, a little there, a little there, in order that they go and stumble backwards and be broken, and be trapped and caught.
14 Therefore, listen to the word of the Lord, men of scorn, allegorists of this people who are in Jerusalem.
15 For you said, “We have made a treaty with death, and with the grave we have set a limit; when an overflowing scourge passes, it shall not come upon us, for we have made lies our shelter and in falsehood have we hidden ourselves.
16 Therefore, so has the Lord God said: “Behold, I have laid as a foundation a stone in Zion, a fortress stone, a costly cornerstone, a foundation well founded; the believer shall not hasten.
17 And I will make justice the line, and righteousness the plummet, and hail shall sweep away the shelter of lies, and water shall flood the hidingplace.
18 And your treaty with death shall be nullified, and your limit with the grave shall not endure; when an overflowing scourge passes, you shall be trampled by it.
19 When it passes, it shall take you, for every morning it shall pass, by day and by night, and it shall be only terror to understand the message.
20 For the bed is too short for one to stretch, and the ruler-it shall be narrow when he enters.
21 For like the mountain of breaches shall the Lord arise, like the valley in Gibeon He shall be incensed; to perform His deed, strange is His deed, and to perform His work, strange is His work.
22 And now, do not scorn, lest your pains become strong, for a complete destruction have I heard from the Lord God of Hosts upon the entire land.
23 Give ear and listen to my voice; hearken and listen to my saying.
24 Shall the plowman plow all day to sow? Shall he open and harrow his soil?
25 Is it not so? When he smooths its surface, he scatters the black cumin and casts the cumin, and he places the prominent wheat, and the barley for a sign, and the spelt on its border.
26 And He shall chasten him justly, he whose God directs him.
27 For not with a grooved [implement] is black cumin threshed, [neither] does a wagon wheel turn around on cumin, but black cumin is beaten with a staff and cumin with a rod.
28 Bread grain is crushed but it is not threshed forever, and the wheel of his wagon shall break, and its separators, he does not crush it.
29 This too comes forth from the Lord of Hosts: He gave marvelous counsel, made great wisdom.
(Audio Bible)
Seek Hashem. Call Upon Him.
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The Book of Micah (Michah in the Hebrew-Jewish Bible). Micah, who lived during the 8th century BCE during the reigns of the kings of Judah and Israel. Micah’s prophecies address social justice, the condemnation of injustice, the coming judgment of G-d on Israel and other nations for their sins, and the promise of a future restoration and redemption. Micah’s prophecies are known for its powerful outlook and emotional intensity.
The Book of Nahum (Nachum in the Hebrew-Jewish Bible).
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